February 12, 2020

Wednesday Giggles

I know you've all been waiting for it, so here it is without further ado...the Wednesday Giggles tribute to Valentines' Day.

Possibly the worst card ever.

This is your brain on love.

Men, take note!

February 15, candy hangover.

Jealousy, how to gauge a successful Valentine's Day.

I'm kind of tempted.


  1. LOLOL...Thanks, I needed that. Hey! I'm weird (the one graphic you have), LOLOL. Have a great day and thanks for the laughs.

  2. Valentine's Day is virtually ignored in our house. Daughter's birthday is the 13th, and our anniversary is the 15th, so we already have much going on. I always tell people not to get married around Valentine's Day or they will lose a holiday!!

  3. Where did you find all of these? They are great. Thanks for the chuckle.

  4. that milk one made me literally snort laugh
    & I'm totally digging the cupid hitting the shoes funny - TRUTH!

  5. Choose your gift was cute! Happy Wednesday!

  6. Thanks for the giggles! Had to read a few to Joe, so he giggled too.

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