February 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Joining in Thankful Thursday with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to offer up a bit of gratitude for all that God blesses us with.

This week I am thankful...

** I was able to treat my friend (who is also my Bible study teacher) to lunch for her birthday. We did a bit of shopping, enjoyed lunch at Red Lobster because we both love seafood, did some more shopping, and had a fun time gabbing.

** to have had a phone call from our son on Sunday. It's rare for him to call so it was a real treat to catch up with what's going on with his family. As an extra thing we are thankful for, his wife who has only been working at Planet Fitness since November is being promoted to assistant manager. So proud of her. She has come a long way from the troubled girl she used to be in the last few years.

** a good day at work on Monday. I was worried because I'd be working outside the dementia unit for the first time in close to a month, which meant I'd be in contact with my boss for the first time in as long. 

We arrived at work at the same time and exchanged a few pleasantries on the walk into the building, but after that she was in her office pretty much all day and I didn't have to deal with her at all.

** that the head nurse and the dementia coordinator appreciate the job the dementia staff does. They gave us all t-shirts on Monday that they had specially made for us after our unit was the only one to make it through the state inspection without any marks against us. The shirts are purple (the home's official color) with some appropriate to the unit sayings on the front and back.

** I got to see the handful of long-term residents that I've gotten to know pretty well when I worked on the other side of the building. We've lost so many this winter and it was kind of hard being back over there and seeing how many new faces there are. It was good to see the ones I still know and they were very glad to see me, which really touched me.

** we got the new loveseat moved in on Saturday and the ugly, saggy brown sofa went bye-bye!

** for a fun time of fellowship with my Bible study group this week. We didn't have class, but celebrated a couple of birthdays with cake and other goodies and had a great time talking and laughing.

** for a fun afternoon shopping with Megan and the kids and then some time with Colton here at the house. That's why I wanted to work part-time.

** for a couple of days of sunshine!

** as always, for all of you, my blogging friends and those who are friends I've yet to meet. Your visits and comments enrich and bless my days.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please show the loveseat, smiles.

    Sigh, bitter temps now...this morning it says 19*, this evening its suppose to be in the single digits. I guess old man winter is not done with us yet. sigh.

    Have a great day friend, smiles.

  2. Yours new normal (*smile*) sounds like a great balance between work and play, Stacy! Now, I need to make overtures and see if any of my casual church friends would like to do lunch and shop. You remind me, little things like that go a long way.

  3. I'm so glad you're enjoying the part time life!!!! Spending more time with family!!
    Congrats on getting through the reviews with no marks - that's awesome!!!

  4. I am so looking forward to our group meeting up again starting on March 3rd. Glad to hear all is going well with your job and working part time. Great benefit to spend time with your Colton!

  5. I am happy your old boss kept to herself and made your day better than you anticipated! I am also so happy that your part-time status is working out so well and you are able to have more family time with those kiddos! I agree with Linda... we need to see the new love seat please!! :) Happy Thursday!

  6. It must be hard when you lose a patient. I went to visit my aunt the other day at a care facility. She fell and broke her hip/femur. She is almost 79 and showing signs of demetia. I lost my mom to Alzeimers to I know how sad it is. Have a great week!

  7. Hi Stacy. I love this Thankful Thursday post. So glad you are enjoying working part time, also that you heard from your son this week, and that things are going well for his family. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!


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