February 21, 2020

5 On a Friday

Oh man, it is cooooold this morning...14 degrees with a windchill of about 9. Yuck! Thank goodness spring is beginning to make herself felt and this isn't going to last long. One more freezing night and then sunshine and temps in the 40s all weekend. Even better because I'm off this weekend. Woohoo!

Not much has been going on around here...the slowness of these winter months, I guess. I'm not complaining. I love it.

So, here is a bit of fun, well, some questions, for a cold, February Friday.

1. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?  I can't say I have any strong feelings about it...unless I'm going somewhere and I'm dressed up with my hair done. Then I'm not crazy about it. Mostly it's just a part of life here in my part of the world. We've nearly always got a good breeze going if not out and out wind.

2. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?  Well, I have allergies and yes, I suppose they are worse in the spring and fall when the wind blows the pollen and leaf stuff around.

3. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?  Yes. Many years ago when the kids were young, we were at our friends' home for New Year's Eve. We could hear the wind sounding worse and worse and we put on the news where they were predicting the weather would get pretty bad. We decided to come home early. I had to hang on to our daughter (she was only 3) because the wind knocked her right off her feet. 

At home we spent the entire night worrying. We could literally see the walls on one corner of the house moving when the wind blew. Tim stayed up all night. The kids slept with me and we pushed a big dresser in front of the window in case it blew in. We learned the next day that the wind speeds had reached 100 miles per hour.

And by the way, I've been through a tornado or two as well.

4. When was the last time you flew a kite?  When I was a kid? Maybe when my children were kids? I really don't remember. I guess I wasn't that excited about it.

5.Would you like to have the power of flight?  Sure. Why not?


  1. Ugh, winds...we survived the big tornado (EF 5) in Tuscaloosa (2011). Prompted the move here. The winds here in western NY are something else. The houses are so close and when the winds coming whipping through, geesh.

    Have a great day, friend. smiles

  2. It was -27 with the wind chill, -14 without the wind this morning.

  3. It is windy today and cold (for us)!! I just stay inside as much as possible! The pollen is making me miserable right now!

  4. Fun answers. I don't enjoy wind much. Hope your enjoy your weekend!


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