February 15, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Happy Birthday

Today finds me linking up with the "thieves" at Sunday Stealing for some question and answer fun, as well as to wish our hostess, Bev, a very happy birthday!

Have you ever... 

1. Broken a bone?  Just my pinky toe.

2. Broken a window?  Not that I can recall.

3. Been on TV?  Yes. I've been in the background when the news crews were filming at the Steelers' training camp (back when the players would actually mingle with the fans) and I was interviewed about a local mall closing. I don't remember anything else.

4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?  No, but my mom has the same birthday as me...or I guess I have the same birthday as her.

5. Locked your keys in the car?  More than once. Thank goodness for AAA.

6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person?  Nope.

7. Sat in the back of a police car?  No.

8. Fallen asleep at work?  No.

9. Made a snow angel?  Lots of times.

10. Ridden in an ambulance?  Yes. Once as a volunteer in a disaster drill and once with my daughter when she was very young.

What's the...

11. Worst household chore?  Folding laundry. Ugh.

12 .Worst color?  I don't know...puce?

13. Worst pizza topping?  Anchovies!

14. Worst weather?  It's a tie between extremely hot and extremely cold.

15. Worst self-care job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails)?  Plucking chin hairs.

16. Worst game?  Monopoly. Hate, hate, HATE it!

17. Worst school subject?  Math.

18. Worst animal?  Technically, it's not an animal, but SNAKES! Any and all kinds. There are no good ones.

19. Worst season?  Winter. It's a big, gray, bucket of suckyness.

20. Worst TV show?  I don't really know. I don't watch that much TV so I tend to only watch what I'm pretty sure I'm going to like.


  1. It always get me that you and I have so many similar answers to things - but I like doing the laundry :) Pandora

  2. Yes those pesky hairs are awful! I got a mini electric face shaver for women and it works great for on the go touch up. Happy Sunday!

    1. I have one, too, but there are always a couple that seem to be immune to it.

  3. I have one of those mini electri shavers too and love it.

    Loved the birthday monkey. thanks!

    1. I think I have whiskers of steel. Some of them are still there after using that mini shaver. Drives me nuts!

  4. #1 could have been a big deal! Any broken toe can have an adverse effect on your balance. (I read it on a sign in my chiropractor's office.)

  5. Oooooh, broken toes are the worst! LOL on "big gray bucket of suckyness." Winter's always been my favorite, but Alabama weather's combining to change my mind.

  6. bahahahahaaha, chin hair! You take the cake, that's the first time someone has ever been that truthful, grin. TOTALLY AGREE! SMILES

    Ugh, snakes and anchovies, who does that? Put anchovies on a pizza? smiles

  7. I like Monopoly (but then again I am a little weird).

    Oh - and I forgot another household chore I hate - finding matching socks.

    It is the closest I have come to losing my temper over a household chore.




  8. I am with you on snakes. They scare me to death the way they slither about. That is a bad thing about summer...snakes and mosquitoes. I love your answers! Have a nice day!


  9. I love folding clean clothes. The texture and scent makes me happy.

  10. I love Monopoly but haven't played in years. Don't mind snakes...

  11. Anchovies wins! Seems no one likes them! I don't mind Monopoly when I have time for it and I'm playing with the grandkids. Wishing you a good week ahead, Stacy!!

  12. Kwizgiver, I love folding laundry too. Something about the freshness, and my freakishly Stepford Wife folding techniques. Gotta have crisp seams on those pants! Lol!
    I’m quite late this week, but please do stop by my blog. http://lolasdiner.blogspot.com


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