February 22, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Getting to Know You

This week's questions are stolen from 9gag

1. What is your favorite color?  I don't really have one favorite color these days. I find that I'm drawn to the combination of yellow, orange, and green...not necessarily the bright tones, but more the muted autumn tones.

2. If you could get on a plane tomorrow and travel anywhere, where would you go?  Probably New Mexico. I loved it there and have always wanted to go back again.

3. Were you closer to your mother or to your father? I'm still not close to my mom in the way others are, but I was still closer to her than to my dad.

4. What is your favorite meal? (savory and dessert)  I like a good steak or nearly any kind of shrimp...served with a baked potato and either a salad or fresh, steamed veggies. I'll take cheesecake for dessert, please.

5. Can you wink with each eye?  (How about curl your tongue)  Yes and yes.

6. Beach or forest?  Both are wonderful, but if I must choose I think the beach wins. There is just something about the sea.

7. City or farm?  Farm. I was born a country girl and will always be a country girl at heart. I like visiting the city and partaking of all that it offers, but I wouldn't be happy living there.

8. Would you rather be blind from birth or turn blind as a teenager?  I'd rather not ever be blind, thanks, but if you are twisting my arm again...I think I'd choose blind from birth because I wouldn't know what I was missing.

9. Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed?  It depends what you mean by underdressed. If you mean underdressed as in not having enough clothes on, I'd rather be overdressed. If you mean it in a t-shirt and jeans at a black-tie affair way, then I'd rather be underdressed.

10. If you could pass along one of your attributes to your children, which would it be?  The ability to forgive and let go of things and move on.

11. What are you most insecure about?  A lot of things, actually, but I'm working on it and I've come a long way.

12. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?  Someone not worth the effort. (Hey, I admitted I'm insecure about a lot of stuff.)

13. What is the saddest you’ve ever felt?  Honestly, it wasn't over a death or anything like that. It was over the betrayal we suffered at the hands of folks we thought were our dearest group of friends and our church family. I never expected that kind of betrayal from them...because...church people! I was young and inexperienced and didn't know yet that Christians are just as broken as everyone else. We're just trying to be a better person every day and sometimes we mess up, too. Anyway, it was painful. I lost all my friends and I lost my ministry, and I lost my church and some other things were going on and it just felt like my world was collapsing.

14. Would you rather have your own private island, or your own private jet?  I'll take the island, please. Wait, is it a tropical island? Or at least an island along the East coast from say, Virginia on down? If it isn't, never mind. And I don't want a jet at all.

15. How do you think you will die?  I have no idea and I am not going to speculate. How depressing!

Thanks to Bev for hosting Sunday Stealing and finding the questions for us!


  1. I also like those colors. They are lovely together too.
    My family went through a similar religion experience of losing it all.
    Very difficult situation to be sure.

    1. It makes me sad how many people I run into who have been through something similar in a church because it means there are a LOT of people out there who just aren't getting what it means to follow Christ.

  2. I am sorry about losing your church. I lost a friend of over 20 years but not from death. It was so hard to go through. But life happens and I have other friends. I like shrimp and cheesecake too!

    1. Life has indeed gone on and I'm even a bit thankful for what we went through at this point in life...I learned a lot from it. It was maybe the combination of that and a couple of other things that were going on that just about killed me. Again, it was a learning experience and what we get through teaches us and makes us stronger!

  3. I agree about the beach - the sea makes a huge difference.




  4. Betrayal like that must really hurt. I’m sorry.

    I also love the beach.

    1. Thank you. It did, but I'm over it and I learned a lot coming out the other side of it.

  5. Betrayal at any cost is still betrayal and I am truly sorry. AND let me say, I would never think about you (not being the effort).

    You can keep the shrimp, I'm allergic, grin. I really need to get going and post something. lol

    1. Thanks. I'm okay most of the time, but there are people now and then who somehow manage to just make a person feel like "less."

      I like lots of things besides shrimp (though it is my favorite) so we'll be able to agree on something when we meet up!

  6. Such a sad thing about your betrayal.
    Enjoyed your answers. Have a great day.

  7. #12...I think I would be drawn to you, so don't think that about yourself. We should just go to the beach or one of our private islands and forget about what people think of us. Hahahaha Betrayal sucks and I think we have all been there, but for it to be your church family is even worse. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  8. How sad your church experience. So sorry for you.

    Shrimp and cheesecake. Yum. I could go for that!

    1. Thanks, Bev. Sadly, I can ALWAYS go for shrimp. I think I could eat it until it comes out my ears. I really identify with Bubba in "Forrest Gump." lol

  9. I'm with you on #15. And #14--it definitely depends on where the island is located!

    1. Yes, it does, because isn't Greenland an island? I definitely don't want to go there!

  10. Once again we answered some of these pretty much the same! I trust you are having a good Sunday and wish you a great week ahead!

  11. Blind from birth? That's a great perspective. I'm going on 70 y/o and still have yet to master the business of forgiving and moving on. (But I'm not done yet!)

    1. I'd say I got to at least my late 40s before I mastered it.

  12. I didn't think about the weather on the island. You're right, it would need to be someplace with decent weather and not an iceberg!

  13. I really love your very thoughtful answers. Betrayal is soooo tough. I hope you had a good weekend and that week ahead is a good one for you.

  14. love your answers :) I despise betrayal seems every time the knife goes deeper thank you for stopping by happy week ahead


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