January 15, 2020

Wednesday Giggles

So, I've decided Wednesday Giggles should be a thing. By the middle of the week we all need a little something to get us over the hump.

Today's dirty little secret.

My reaction to the debate.

It's Sandy Claws!

Last night at Bible study.

I'm not afraid of spiders, but...

Me trying to do eyeshadow.

Or any state from what I observe
of the world.

His mother must be so proud.

Me every summer.

I thought he wanted to hide in front
of Venetian blinds on a sunny day.

Or anyone who works in the school system.

Every time Tim and I try to watch a movie.

Yes! Maybe then size 0 would
stop being a thing.

Pretty much.

I hope it worked!


  1. LOL. Awesome post. Let me just say, I totally agree with your thought on the debate/election coverage, lol. Also, I can actually do a smoky eye, had it taught to me.

    Thanks for the fits of giggles this morning, have a great day friend. smiles

  2. Thank you for the laughs - they are definitely welcome! Get me through this hump day asap! HUGS

  3. Just had to share that 'diet' one with my Bible study ladies. Appropriate, since we've just begun "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst. :)

  4. YES - I'm glad you're making Wednesday Giggles a thing!!!!
    That idiot with the coins. OH MY WORD.
    That Will Ferrell meme is me EVERY monday - Friday

  5. Yep, I giggled and giggled some more. Great post! :)


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