January 29, 2020

Living Life Again

Good morning! I have a noon start today so it's a slow start for me today. Loving that after today I have two days off before I have to work again. Can I just gush for a moment (again) about how much I am enjoying working part-time? I feel so much happier. My soul is lighter and freer than it's been in months.

I'm also able to schedule things ahead of time because I know when I will be working in advance. So far, I've signed us on to go to a gun bash with our daughter and her husband and for a class about paying off debt at the community college. It is good to feel like I have a life again.

There are some things I need to do this morning, but I don't want to skip posting so here are some questions I saw somewhere or another in the blogging world. 

1. Coffee or Tea?  I don't like coffee at all so it's tea or nothing. I don't often drink "plain" tea. I like flavored and herbal teas. My current favorite is a premium cinnamon flavor with French vanilla Truvia to sweeten it a bit.

2. Food or Dessert?  Food. I'm not big on sweets. I eat them, but just a little here and there. (Don't ask me about salty carbs.) I do, however, find myself craving favorite meals and even vegetables. I would choose a bowl of soup over a slice of cake any day.

3. Cook or Clean?  Cook. Hands down! I like the creative aspect of cooking. It's an art. Cleaning? Well, let's just say I'm no domestic goddess. 

4. Apples or Oranges?  I do like both, but apples are a lot more versatile. They are good in baked goods, hearty dishes, or as a snack with either cheese or chocolate peanut butter.

5. Bible App or Bible?  Bible.  Bible. I summed up the why in a post on an old blog.

That's it for now. I am off to get some things done before work. Have a blessed day, my friends!


  1. I am so happy that you are so happy Stacy!! Life is way to short to be miserable everyday and that is awesome you found a happy middle ground with working part time! Congrats and enjoy your life!!! HUGS

  2. Hello Stacy! This is my first visit to your blog! What a delightful place! I just adored your Wednesday giggles. I got such a good laugh out of them, Adorable!

    And... I agreed with almost all of your answers above, except I'm not really a tea/ coffee drinker. I'll just take water. Like you I'd much rather have food than dessert and cook, then clean. At least after we cook, we have some down time and something yummy to eat!

    Plus, apples are my favorite fruit snack. I mean I love the whole "Apple a day..." saying. Plus, there are so many wonderful, different varieties! My momma makes the best stewed apples and my, a warm slice of apple pie sounds so good right now,

    I prefer to read my actual Bible too. I think of my Grandmothers' Bible with worn binding and words she wrote in the margins. It is so meaningful and special. You certainly can't pass an app down.

    I'm so glad I found your sweet blog... I became a new follower! :)

    Congrats on your joy of working part time.
    God's blessings to you, Net

    1. Hello and welcome, Net! I'm glad you stopped by the blog. I buzzed by yours, too and will have to go back when I have a little more time. I love Hallmark movies!

      I liked going through my grandmother's Bible, as well. I wish she had written in hers and made notes. Unfortunately, I come from a family that went to church, but didn't really have a relationship with the Lord. Grandma's Bible was stuffed with obituaries, dried flowers, and all manner of things she thought worth saving. Interesting, but not in the same way.

  3. I am glad to hear how much better you feel now that you are part time. Have a great day!

  4. I'm a Bible girl too - it makes me sad to see that no one carrys their Bible any more to church. I get the convenience of it - but I just like carrying it.
    I love me some tea but I gotta have honey in it - give me some RAW honey - YUMMM - I actually need to go buy some more

    1. We all carry our Bibles (sometimes more than one) to the Bible study I'm part of. We use phones and tablets to do research, too, but the Bible is king!

  5. Fun questions and answers. Glad you are enjoying your part time work. I think I'm a little jealous. lol Now me, I love my Bible App. I haven't used my "real" Bible in quite awhile.

    1. I am just an old fashioned girl, I guess. I prefer regular books, too. I did finally break down and get a Kindle, but only because it's smaller and lighter to tote in my purse for breaks at work...and to cut down on the accumulation of mass market paperbacks. For meatier reads, it's still got to be the book.

      Ah, don't be jealous of me. I'll be jealous of you because aren't you hoping to retire soon?

      Have a blessed day!

  6. I never gave it much thought, but I'd rather clean than cook. I'm NO domestic goddess, either, but stymie my efforts to cook by cleaning as I go. Imagine my jaw drop when I watched someone prepping (to me) an elaborate meal. Ingredients went flying here and there -- even the floor, but she didn't once pause.

    BTW, what's a gun bash?

    1. Ha! A gun bash is where you pay an amount, usually $20-$25, for a ticket that will have a number (or several numbers). The ticket gets you into the event and includes food that is available throughout. Every 15 minutes they call a number, if it's your number you win a gun (at some bashes they give you a choice of a gun or the cash value or a gift certificate than you can buy either the gun or something else with). There are also other games of chance and special gun raffles. It usually lasts 4-5 hours.

  7. Except for the coffee question, our answers would be the same! I am so happy for your part time work!!

  8. I love morning coffee and tea the rest of the day! Then wine at night! Cheers!
    I'm a cleaner by nature and cook because it's needed. I love salt but can take or leave sweets. Apples for me and I love the B-I-B-L-E!! KJV is my personal choice!

    1. Oh yes, definitely wine at night...especially on a work day! lol

  9. Interesting answers. I don't drink coffee or tea at all, but I'm with you on the food, apples, and Bible (not the app). I would rather clean than cook though. I don't enjoy cooking much. Enjoy your time off.

    1. You know, I'm sort of surprised by how many of you say you'd rather clean than cook. Not me!

  10. I've said it before, and I will say it again...I am thrilled that you were able to work things so that you could go part-time. I can well imagine that your soul is lighter and freer!

    Oh, I hear ya on the salty carbs! I'm not a sweets gal at all, but put a bag of chips near me, and I will down it in a heartbeat. Cracker, French fries, tortilla chips, same thing!!

    I'm not a Bible app person either. Leads to distraction for me. I am going to go back and read your blog post about them.



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