January 28, 2020

Tuesday 4: Snowmen

It's Tuesday so I am linking up with the Tuesday 4 for some winter fun today. Thanks to Annie for carrying on the tradition.

1. Have you built snowmen, women or even entire families of snow people like little sister Tootie did in Meet Me in St. Louis? Did you use a carrot for the nose? Tell us all about how it .  It's been a long time since I've built a snowman. I haven't since my kids were young and they are 27 and 33 now. We used to go all out and build an entire family of snowpeople...usually representing our family, including the pets. I'm sure we used carrots some of the time, but not all the time. I'm looking forward to building snowpeople with the grandchildren.

2. Are you hoping for snowmen to melt soon in hotter weather?  Tell us about your favorite time of year and please let us know why you love it. List some ingredient of that season that makes it special for you.  I would be okay with all the snowmen melting. The older I get, the more I am not a winter person. Autumn is my season. I love the colors set against clear blue skies, all of the activity and festivals, the coziness of everyone coming inside, the heartier meals...pretty much everything about it!  

3.Remember bundling up as a child? It took so long to do then you had to go potty and all those layers had to come off again! Is dressing up something you enjoy doing ?  Why?
  I still like dressing in layers, but I don't do it as much since I started working at the nursing home. It is always soooo hot there! I haven't even gotten most of my warmest clothes out this year. Now, when you say dressing up...do you mean like that or do you mean in formal clothing? If it's the latter, I guess I don't mind it once in a while. I wouldn't enjoy having to do it all the time, though. I am casual and comfortable in style.

4. In Frozen, the little girl desperately wants to reconnect with her sister and reminds her of the happy times of building snowmen.  Are you disconnected from anyone you'd love to reunite with? What happy times with friends and siblings brings you fond memories and smiles to you?
  I miss the group of friends we had at a former church. There were about 7 families in the group. We were all in leadership and all of our kids were around the same ages and friends, too. We would get together to celebrate all the holidays and at other times just for fun. There was always someone to talk to, someone to do something with. It all came apart, though, when church politics reared its ugly head. We ended up feeling betrayed and I'm telling you there is no betrayal like the betrayal of people you've made your chosen family, who are your spiritual family...maybe because they are the people you least expect it from as you think they know better. Anyway, I miss those days and have fond memories of them, but in all honesty I don't want to go back. I've forgiven them and moved on and so have they...mostly they all scattered and go to many different churches now...it wouldn't ever be the same.


  1. I'm with you, the older I get, the less I like the snow and cold weather. Fall is my favorite time of year too for exactly the reasons you said. It is a shame when church politics get in the way. It should never happen in the body of Christ, but sadly it does. I have been caught in that mess and know just what you mean.

    1. No, it shouldn't happen in the body of Christ, but sadly, sometimes the body isn't any different than the world. :( We were just young and inexperienced and didn't know that it could be that way. It destroyed us because we lost our support system. We didn't have anyone left to talk about it with or get advice from.

  2. I'm the opposite; I'm the freak who loves winter, LOL. Dressing in layers is a must, at least for me, smiles.

    Have a great Tuesday, my friend.

    1. I love dressing in layers, but it's so stinking hot in the nursing home that I can't. I can get away with short sleeves all winter long...at least at work. At home I'm bundled. lol

  3. Our winters are so mild, bundling up is not an issue! Enjoyed visiting with you today.

  4. I have to be careful bundling up now in fear of hot flashes kicking in :) LOL

    1. LOL There's a girl in our Bible study with the same problem. She's sitting there turning beet red and fanning herself with the door open and the rest of us are bundled up and still shivering!

  5. If I had to drive in snow I wouldn't be too happy with it either but I don't. It seems winters are milder lately in NJ.
    I love dressing warm for winter.
    I completely understand the church betrayal. Happened to me as well. It is a special kind of awful when a church splits or breaks up or lies to you big time.

    1. I got a LOT of experience driving in snow, on ice, in white-outs...you name it, when I drove a school bus up on the ridge. I was scared to death when I first started, but I got pretty confident. The only time winter driving makes me nervous is when it's ice. Ice is ice, skill doesn't help much on that. I think it's just that I ache when it's cold now. Darn arthritis.

      I'm sorry you've experienced that kind of betrayal, too. It's something I would not wish on my worst enemy. It hurt worse than anything else I've been through.

  6. What a shame about your church family falling-out! I had a like-kind, but smaller, experience back in the 70's. Despite reconnecting with a couple on Facebook, it still feels awkward. Best to hang onto your unsullied memories.

    1. We did try to reconnect and be friends with one couple again. Actually, they were starting a new church and they came to us. For a while it was wonderful, but then...their true colors started showing again. Fortunately, we were older and wiser and walked away without feeling torn apart the second time.

  7. Hi Stacy. Fun memories, except the ones about betrayal from your church family. So sad. Yes, we have experienced that too, but I just figure we are all God's children, but boy we are sure all imperfect too, so I just let it be. We moved away to another state. I don't have any anger or hard feelings. Letting God heal and take care of it all. Drama in the family is a lot rougher for me to deal with and as you know, we are there now with both of our daughters who are making reconnecting really difficult. Heartbreaking. On a brighter note, I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. I still haven't forgotten about my adoption/reconnection story - just havent had the time to write it up yet. See you again soon.

    1. I don't have any anger or hard feelings left, but it took a good while to get to this point. I've learned a lot through it and I can still look back and be grateful for the times we had and the experiences and growth I gained during those times. The family difficulties were extremely hard, too, but I don't think they held quite the same level of pain for me, because I knew the kids weren't walking with the Lord. I knew they were fallen people and their bad behavior, though painful, wasn't a shock. The church stuff was just so blatantly opposite of the Bible's teaching that I never expected it from those who really put themselves out there as Christians. It was a painful lesson, but a lesson it was and I am older and wiser.

  8. Well, no snow for me (as everyone knows!). What a shame about your church group. We love our so much. I can't imagine how awful it would be to feel betrayed an have it all fall apart. This wasn't a good Tuesday 4 for someone living in FL but I answered them all.

  9. I totally understand you on the last issue on betrayal and I admire your honesty. I still see the person that betrayed me at church. I have to work at not becoming bitter about it, or overwhelmed with pain from the loss of a friendship. People change but out God does not.{Hugs}

    1. It was such a total betrayal that it was a long struggle for me to overcome the pain. It was a good lesson, though, and I can be grateful for what I've learned and the growth that came out of it. That God is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be tomorrow is the truth I hold on to.

  10. Building snowmen with the boys seems way more fun than then I did it as a child. Have a great week!

    1. I'm thinking it will be that way for me when the grandkids are ready to start building!

  11. That is super cool you guys built a whole snow family. We do not have enough snow for that. We have in the past, but just have never gone all out like that. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  12. Hi Stacy! I enjoyed reading your answers. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

  13. We live in a warmer climate now, still have seasons and some cold, but nothing like NJ did. I miss the early snows, but it gets old so fast and I don't enjoy being cold at all anymore. I visited my mom up north last week and remembered what it was like to have to get out in the icy weather. Fun to visit, but I don't want to live in it anymore. Hope you're doing well!


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