November 28, 2019

The Big Kahuna

This is it. The big kahuna of Thankful Thursdays. Thanksgiving Day. I had to work today so we are not celebrating with a big meal until Saturday. Still, I have much to be thankful for and made a long list sitting here this evening. I'm thinking God decided I should keep it short and simple because He allowed the laptop to do its thing and *poof* no more post. I'd grump, but I'm just too darned content to waste time being unhappy.

So, just let me say I have been blessed abundantly this past week (and always) and I hope it has been the same for you.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends!


  1. Yes, indeed!! Enjoy your celebration on Saturday!

  2. Isn't contentment a wonderful thing!!! Such a gift from God!

    Enjoy your Saturday Thanksgiving.


  3. Enjoy your Saturday Thanksgiving, my friend.smiles

  4. Would you please pass that dish of 'contentment' my way? (jk, I seriously need to RE-focus!)

  5. I hope you have the best Thanksgiving on Saturday & you get to finally relax & enjoy that family of yours


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