November 29, 2019

Saturday 9: Baby's in Black

Finding time on Friday evening to link up to the Saturday 9 because Colton is busy playing with the Little People nativity and tomorrow I am cooking all morning because our Thanksgiving is in the afternoon.

Saturday 9: Baby's in Black (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
 From our archives.

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday was "Black Friday," the day when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?
  Not in any store and not technically on Black Friday. I've been shopping the pre-Black Friday sales online all week...and yes, I've gotten some very good deals. The biggest and best probably being the Lionel Disney Christmas train we are giving Colton for his birthday.

2) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include pigging out or watching a game?
  Yes, to pigging out and definitely, YES, to football. Pittsburgh is playing Cleveland again. Who's going to miss that after the last game?

3) At Thanksgiving dinners, Crazy Sam's homemade gravy is always a hit. (Probably because she's so generous with the cognac, which gives the gravy a nutty taste.) What was particularly delicious at your Thanksgiving table?
  Well, we didn't have ours yet, but I'll have to remember the cognac tip. I'm actually going to try something new tomorrow. I'm going to inject the bird with herbed butter, slather it with herbed butter, and pour a bottle of champagne in the bottom of the roasting pan.

4) Among the biggest the Black Friday advertisers are Target, Kohl's, Macy's and Best Buy. If you could have a $100 gift card to any one of those stores, which would you choose?  Target

5) This week's song, "Baby's in Black," is about a girl who wears black because she's in mourning. Do you find that the color you're wearing reflects your mood?
Not really. I wear a lot of black and I'm usually in a pretty good mood.
6) The woman who inspired this song, Astrid Kirchherr, has been friends with Paul McCartney since he and his bandmates (John Lennon, George Harrison, Stu Sutcliffe and Pete Best) met her in Hamburg back in 1960. Tell us what you believe are the components of a strong, lasting friendship.  These days I think the number one component of a lasting friendship is being available. Too many people are always too busy to spend time with a friend. Beyond that, common interests, loyalty, shared sense of humor, and being honest enough to trust.

7) In the early days of the Beatles, Paul McCartney and John Lennon began writing a play but abandoned it. Do you have a novel, painting, play, song or poem that you're going to finish "someday?"  No. I never got around to starting it.

8) When he was 16, George Harrison dreamed of moving to Canada, Australia or Malta. In just a few years, he would visit all those places with Beatles and eventually decided there was no place like home and stayed in England (though he did also maintain a home in Hawaii). Have you ever thought about moving to another country? If so, where?
  No, the U.S. is home. I'd like to visit a lot of other countries, but I don't want to stay in any of them.

9)  Random question: Finish this sentence -- If you want me to give you "yes" for an answer, the best time to approach me is when
I'm not stressed and when you haven't been annoying me for the last hour...something my daughter, at 27, has yet to learn.

And now I am off to spend time with this busy guy who is spending the night with Pappy and Nana.


  1. You're giving him a train! That's so exciting. We have similar answers to the friendship question. And something tells me your daughter will never get #9.

    1. He has a couple of toy trains, but Pappy wanted him to have a REAL train. I was excited to find a good deal on an O gage train so it's a little bigger and sturdier. Cool that it also has buildings and stuff to match so we can add to it each year.

      Yeah, pretty sure my daughter will never get it.

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  3. Oh, I loved my train set!! Lucky Colton. I am sure he'll love it.
    Happy thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you! I hope he will like it. Tim and I both had trains as kids. Tim's is long gone, but mine are still packed away at my mom's. They are the old-fashioned kind and smaller so if he really likes it maybe he'll get them one day.

  4. Thank you for sharing the grandson, smiles. Sigh, I remember those days...and guess what? My "job" has me working in a train museum, LOLLOL...OH how the tide has turned, lololol.

    Have a great weekend, friend. smiles

    1. You're welcome and a train museum would be a very cool place to work!

  5. PS I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE NEW LOOK HERE!!! Apologies for squealing, you prb. heard that, LOLOL.

  6. I also love the new look--it's inspiring me to do something with mine. Please share how your turkey came out--it sounds wonderful!

    1. The turkey was AMAZING! It smelled so good while it was cooking...and you could smell it at least 2 or 3 houses away when we went outside. It was so moist that we couldn't even cut it, it just fell apart, and the taste was divine. The champagne gave the gravy a little bit of a tang...nothing drastic, just a nice little tweak.

  7. Oh gosh, can Colton get any more adorable? I love the concentration. The new header sure puts me in the mood -- so reminiscent of the way I recall a favorite childhood ornament. Like you, I mostly enjoy wearing black … and no-one's accused me of having a Resting B**** Face. Ha!

    1. He had some serious concentration going on. He sat and played there for about 3 hours!

  8. My brother's family are all sports fans and they were huddled around the TV watching games all afternoon while I read in the living room

    1. Possibly preferable to everyone being on their cell phone.

  9. I adore train sets. I would love to have one that ran around my living room, on a shelf up near the ceiling. Wouldn't that be cool? (And how did that turkey come out with the Champaign?)

    1. That would be waaaay cool! I've only ever seen that kind of set up in restaurants. lol

      The turkey was AMAZING!

  10. I know you will have fun tonight with your sleep over guest! He is adorable! Fun questions today! I enjoyed your answers! Happy Thanksgiving to you, celebrating late!

  11. What a sweet picture of your grandson!
    So many of us picked Target. They must be doing something just right.
    That train is one of the best things going from Disney. He is going to love it!

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  13. I wear a lot of black as well. I am in a good mood most of the time. Hee.
    I agree with you on availability. I am really bad about that, but I have some friends that MAKE me get out and I really need that. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


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