November 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! I don't know about you, but I'm still not adjusted to the time change and find myself up super early every  day. At least it gives me time to spend with God, blog, or watch a good movie before I start my day.

I'm joining up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hands for Thankful Thursday...the day we share all the good things in our lives...the things big and small that God has blessed us with.

This week I'm thankful...  

** really, really thankful that today is my day off. It's been a little stressful in the dementia unit this week. The full moon is next week, I guess they are beginning to ramp up to that. Anyway, after last night I'm ready for a day away from it.

** with Veterans' Day coming up we are doing all kinds of things to get ready to honor the veterans that reside at the home. I love hearing their stories. We have vets from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. We have vets from every branch of service. We have vets who were officers and vets who were grunts. We have a Congressional Medal of Honor recipiant. It's a joy to decorate the home and plan a reception to honor them and their sacrifices. 

** to have my car back after three weeks. The repair bill on Tim's truck is huge, but we'll survive. God always takes care of us.

** for the early darkness. I like having the sun earlier in the mornings and I absolutely LOVE it being dark by 6:00. It brings everyone into the home where suddenly everything seems ten times cozier. I love the scents of this time of year, the colors, the way lights glow golden from windows, and the smell of woodsmoke drifting from chimneys. 

** for the rain that is bringing in today's cold front and the snow it will turn into. I'm excited and ready to see the white stuff. Really. I am. (Right after Christmas it will be a different story.)

** that I have enough clothes that I have to spend part of today switching out the summer clothes for the winter ones. Compared to a lot of the world we are so materially blessed in this country. Funny how we're often so miserable that we don't even see the good things, yet you can meet people in other places who have virtually nothing, whose lives are miserable, but they are happy. Because they know what's truly important.

** for baby smiles that melt your heart and little boy kisses that will end too soon.

** for the fluffy, fat gray squirrels that chitter away at me every time I walk out the door. They are so busy hiding away nuts for the winter. Most of which they will forget about...if the number of seedling trees that pop up in my garden and flower beds each Spring is any indication. But, they are cute as they go about their business and they are so big this year. The other day I thought there was a cat out by the garden, but it was just an enormous squirrel.

** little fingers drawing pictures on steamy windows.

** our daughter made an appointment with the same doctor we have switched to. The old one was doing nothing to get her anxiety and other issues under control. Well, nothing that worked. She has been running into the same thing we did...he just doesn't seem to really listen to you or address your concerns. I am hopeful the new one will have a fresh perspective and new insights.

** for word that our son and his family can make it to have Thanksgiving with us the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We don't usually get to celebrate with them as they choose to stay home and have some members of our daughter-in-law's family join them. Now that I have a job that requires working holidays we are celebrating at less traditional times. It may work for us. We won't have a whirlwind dinner with our daughter's family, either, as we usually do because they have to split each holiday with her husband's family (his mother is unwilling to compromise at all). I am excited!

** for the love, mercy and grace of God.

** for each one of you, who find your way to my little corner of the blogging world. You are a blessing and add richness to my days. Thank you.

Now I am off to get dressed, eat breakfast, toss a load of laundry in the washer, and begin the adventure that is today. Be blessed and filled with joy and wonder today!


  1. Oh, your gratitude list is just glorious!
    And I substituted in a first grade classroom yesterday, and couldn't help but draw parallels between your dementia unit and my kiddos!

    1. I used to drive a school bus...there are a LOT of similarities between children and dementia patients!
      Thanks for visiting and for the nice compliment.

  2. Stacy, I love how you make time to listen to the vets' stories! Being as we're SO close to the time zone hem, we're pitch dark at 5:00. (No fun when you're trying to navigate your way home on poorly lit roadways.) Love imagining your little drawing pictures on the steamy windows..... ahhhh!

    1. Funny how you don't mind the finger smudges when it's the grandkids. :)

  3. I see so many people who like this tiime change.... it still just kills me.
    I have taken advantage of the time change & trying to get in the habit of waking up an extra half hour earlier & using that time to work out. It's been good so far... now, when the time changes back, I'll be screwed :) LOL
    Glad you can find the way to make the holidays work for you with your schedule - I have friends who always do Thanksgiving the Sunday BEFORE just because all her children can keep it clear for inlaws. Its not rushed, no one has to run anywhere else - I think that's so smart.
    I'm sure you have a lot of Veterans to be celebrated. My thanks goes to all of them!

    1. I suppose depending how things time out in the future could mean that we will have our holidays the weekends before.

  4. I am also grateful for you!!!! You are so right with us not being grateful with all of the "things" we have...we are soooo blessed and it shows how little "things" mean - only serving others will make us appreciate what we have

  5. God bless the veterans in your facility. I am so happy they will be honored on Monday!! Too bad we can't see pictures (privacy - I understand). I'm so glad you are celebrating the Saturday after Thanksgiving and that everyone can be there. It doesn't matter what day... family together is the best blessing!

    1. I'll try to get a few pictures of the decorations if I can.

  6. Oh, Stacy, you have so many wonderful reasons to be thankful on your list today!! Right now, when I do Thankful Thursday, I am focusing only on one thing a week, but I may switch it up and do like you and others do. There are SO many reasons to be thankful!!

    Am totally with you on the early darkness!!!

    Have a great day,

    1. It doesn't matter how you do your thanks. It's just whatever is on your heart.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ...and I am thankful for you...and long story blog address has


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