November 16, 2019

Sunday Stealing: From Facebook

I'm linking up with Sunday Stealing today for a little fun with hostess, Bev, and the merry gang of thieves.

Stolen from Facebook

1) What is your favorite TV show (currently)?
  I am still very much in like with A Million Little Things. Gary is the best character. I think he'd make a great friend.

2) Would you like to be a child again?  That wouldn't be so bad. I had some amazing experiences during my childhood, but I sure wouldn't want to do the teenage years over again.

3) Has anyone ever told you that school times were the best period of his/her life? Would you say that to someone? Why? Yes, I suppose someone has said that to me, though I couldn't tell you who. No, I wouldn't say that to anyone because that wasn't my experience and everyone has their own experiences, anyway, and I wouldn't want to color their experience.

4) How's the weather?
  It was a beautiful sunny day with temps in the 40's today. It's pretty cold out there tonight and is to be around 20 in the morning, I think. It will warm up some, so it's all good.

5) Do you like camping?  I used to love it and I suppose I still do in theory, but I'm afraid it would lose something in practice since I can't even get comfortable on a $4000 mattress these days.

6) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?  Ah, this again. I believe in a spirit realm, but I do not believe in ghosts as the souls of the dearly departed.

7) If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?  I would create "Quit-talking-about-it-and-get-out-there-and-actually-do-something-nice-for-someone Day." It could be any day or better yet, EVERYDAY!

8) What word(s) do you dislike? Can you tell why?  I don't like swear words. The mild ones don't thrill me, but the really coarse or vulgar ones really turn me off. I wasn't raised in a home where they were used and now as a Christian, I don't feel they are right to use. I also don't like words used to hurt anyone else, vulgar or not.

9) What color do you dislike? What do you associate with it?  I can't say that I actively dislike any color. I have favorites, of course, but all colors have their place.

10) Do you believe in otherworldly creatures, eg. ghosts, etc?
  Again? No, I don't believe in ghosts, Big Foot, werewolves, vampires, zombies or anything else I saw on Scooby-Doo. I do believe in angels and demons in a spiritual realm.

11) Pick two of your favourite fictional characters. Where are they from (what movie, book, etc?) and why are they your favourite?  From a book, I'd choose Jo March because I always identified with her love of writing and feeling a bit like a square peg in a round hole. From a movie, I'd currently pick Aquaman because...Jason Mamoa!

12) If you could change anything or add anything to your body would you? (this can be interpreted however, but, think, would you like to have fins or extra hands?)  Nah, I wouldn't add anything. I lose a few pounds and some of the curl in my hair, but I'd leave the rest alone. Wait! Would the fins get Aquaman's attention?

13) What are some family traditions you have/had growing up? Do you still continue them, if yes, why, if no, why not?  Many of our family traditions have gone by the wayside as our kids grew up. They have their own families and are creating their own traditions. In their earliest adult years they made it clear they weren't interested in our traditions. They are more accepting now, but it's hard to get everyone together to carry them on so it's kind of hit and miss. My dad would be appalled. He was the king of tradition and loved all the little things more than anyone.

14) What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?
  I am fine with them. Some are quite beautiful and some (like Aquaman's) are pretty sexy. The only line for me is when someone totally covers their body. I mean, I don't care for it, but I don't hold it against anyone who does. And yes, I have one tat on my ankle.

15)  What is the most disgusting habit some people have?  Not washing their hands after using the bathroom or before preparing food.

16)  If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which would it be?  Friday Night Lights. It was a good show and I have always had a bit of a crush on Kyle Chandler. TV needs more Kyle!

17) What was the most unsettling film you have ever seen?
  I don't know how I would choose. My husband watches a lot of the typically violent man flicks. I hate nearly all of them and try not to watch, but sometimes bits and pieces sink in. It seems to me these films are ever on the lookout for more creative and shocking ways to torture or kill someone.

18) What book has impacted you the most?
  The Bible. I know, I know...but it's true.

19) You're on Death Row and get one final meal: What is that meal and why do you choose it?  Shrimp Scampi, peel-and-eat shrimp, lobster, crab....pretty much an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. Why? Well, obviously because that's my favorite food.

20) What is the first profession you remember wanting to become as a child?  Does "cowboy" count as a profession?


  1. Indeed, cowboy is a profession, smiles. My late fil had a horse farm about 5 hours east of here, it was very hard work. I rather miss it--not really the hard work but the fresh air and the easy going country life which was before internet and cable tv I might add. Those were the days.

    Argh, I am allergic to shrimp. Have a great Sunday friend. smiles

    1. Allergic to shrimp? Aurgh, that would kill me. I get a bit Bubba Gump-y over shrimp. Yum!

      One of the things I would do, if I could "do it all over again" is find a way to make my dream of living on a farm happen.

  2. #7 I like it. Curious how it could be accomplished.

  3. Gills are more likely to get Aquaman's attention I reckon.




    1. I'll have to keep that in mind if it becomes an option. lol

  4. Now you're making me miss my crab legs! (I developed a shell-fish allergy about 10 years ago.) I think the most 'unsettling' movie I've seen is Robin Williams' "What Dreams May Come." I've watched it half a dozen times, but the all-too-real depictions of Hell were indeed, unsettling. Love your response to #7.

    1. I watched that movie once years ago. I just didn't get it at all.

  5. Just as you don't know This Is Us, I'm really pretty unfamiliar with Jason Momoa. Maybe we need to do a cultural exchange.

    1. There's an idea! As far as action heroes go, Jason is pretty darn yummy. ;)

  6. #1, I love A Million Little Things too! I think gills would get Aquaman's attention! ;) Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

  7. I keep meaning to watch A Million Little Things...

    1. And I keep meaning to watch This Is Us. One of these days we'll get to it.

  8. Jason Mamoa does have a little sumthin' sumthin, doesn't he? Best thing about Aquaman! Appreciate your honesty with your answers.

  9. I told Lori that I would join her for her last meal of fried chicken but I think a seafood buffet moves her's to 2nd place!! Fun questions! Have a blessed week ahead!

  10. Lol to 12! And yes, Cowboy counts.
    I enjoyed reading you thoughtful answers. The Bible is a very good choice for obvious reasons. Anything that makes us more Christlike is the best thing ever.


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