September 23, 2019

Currently On Monday

Good morning and happy Monday! I'm lucky to have a later start this morning, so I can sit here watching the news and catching up online. Enjoying a cup of this cinnamon spice tea sweetened with french vanilla stevia extract makes it a pretty perfect start to the day. (I'm choosing to ignore the fact that my beloved Steelers lost AGAIN yesterday. Sigh.)

We began Saturday with my husband having to work due to a problem at the job site. I was a little disappointed since I'd hoped we could go to a huge used book sale before we got the grandkids, but instead, I used the time to do several loads of laundry, a lot of cleaning, and start decorating for fall. 

Our son-in-law's parents had kept the kids on Friday and overnight. They brought them over to me at noon. We had a pretty quiet afternoon with the baby napping and Colton playing with cars while watching all his favorite Disney Jr. shows. 

I fried up chicken strips and french fries for supper (Colton's favorite meal) and Pappy moved the furniture and set up the air mattress for him and Colton to have their sleepover. We watched the new live action Aladdin with Will Smith. I thought it was good...beautiful sets and costumes and lots of music. Pappy and Colton were both asleep before it was over. Baby Leah was the nightowl of the bunch and we were up until 11:30, but then she slept all night...

...until her big brother got us all up at 6:30 on Sunday! We had breakfast and then took the kids to Living Treasures, a local animal park that allows you to see the animals up close and feed the ones it's safe to get that close to. Leah was unimpressed and slept the whole way through. Pappy's favorites were the huge brown bear and the wolves (the black one was gorgeous). I loved it all, but the Watusi (a very large breed of African cattle) and the kangaroos were probably my favorites. 

Colton was having a great time and loving the animals until his well-meaning Nanny took him in the Parakeet Encounter. The Parakeet Encounter being akin to a scene from The Birds. You walk into an enclosure with a cup of food in your hand and 167 parakeets immediately land on you. Colton was terrified and the whole rule of not picking up your feet (so you don't step on any birds) went right out the window and the guy working had to come and help me get the birds off of him and get him out of there. He looked at animals after that, but refused to feed any.

We stopped at a little diner near the animal park for lunch and then came home because we'd heard from Mommy and Daddy that they would be home soon. 

It was a good weekend and we sure loved the time with the kiddos.


I am...

Reading...still working on The Oracle by Jonathan Cahn

Listening to...I've been on a Motown kick lately.

Loving...that rain is on the way this morning to bring the temperature back to something more normal for this time of year. Yesterday was close to 90 and very humid. Ick.

Thinking...about making some serious lifestyle/diet changes because I shouldn't feel this bad physically.


Celebrating...that the sore throat I woke up with seems to be just from allergies and being dry...not the nasty cold going around at work.

Grateful for...being born in America and having the life I have.

Weather...scattered rain and 75 degrees. cup of tea (I don't drink hot drinks during hot weather).

Something I want to share...


  1. Ahhh - such fun time with the grands. They'll remember those days!!!
    I always love those bird sanctuaries where they land on you. I remember taking my twin nieces & they were like 3 - it freaked them out. I love it when they land on my head though.
    Hope your daughter & SIL had a great getaway!

  2. Wow, Living Treasures has some rare and interesting animals! I'd love to see that. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.


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