August 7, 2019

Wednesday Medley: National Lighthouse Day

1.  Let's start with a number! How many lighthouses have you visited?  I'm not really sure how many total I've visited over the years, but I just visited 3 while on vacation. I saw a lot more than that, but only from a distance and someone had to point them out because most of them were very small and not at all what you think of when you think of a lighthouse.

2.  Have you been inside a lighthouse and did you walk to the top?  I have, but I didn't go to the top of any on this vacation. I didn't think the knee or the hip could do it. This one is on Assateague Island, VA. It was closed for repairs the last time we were there, but I did climb to the top the first time we went.

3.  Do you seek them out when you are traveling the coastlines or are you not that big a fan?  They are cool, but I'm not that big of a fan. I don't hunt them out on purpose.

4.  Do you have a favorite scripture or another reference to share with us concerning a guiding light in your life?  Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path..." I like that it reminds me that no matter what I am facing, God's Word will show me the way to move forward.

5.  If you don't collect lighthouses when you travel, is there something tangible that you tend to collect as a souvenir when you are on vacation or a road trip?  When it comes to souvenirs I buy pretty eclectic stuff. I just get what I like. Oh, I do bring home stones from a lot of places. Stones are small and easy to pack and at home they look good displayed in a dish or bowl, a magnet glued to the back makes them handy for hanging notes and such, and rubbing them with a little olive oil with a few drops of essential oil mixed in makes them shiny and great natural ways to add scent.

6.  Please share something with us about your week.  I spent 3 hours today at the DMV to renew my license. I was there for an hour before finding out I was waiting for the wrong line because I needed to fill out some extra form. Grrrr. So, I got a new number for the correct line and settled in to wait again. 
Sitting there it crossed my mind that there were a LOT of people with numbers after mine so I looked around and at the end of the row I was sitting in there was an older couple, the man was on oxygen. I asked the wife if they were waiting for the "A" line and they were. So, I asked if their number was after the one I had and it quite a bit. I gave them the number I couldn't use and they were so thankful! 
The really cool thing is that they started asking people what number they had and gave their number to someone way down the list and told them why they were doing it and to pass it on. That person found someone to give their number to and then I moved to a different area so I don't know if it kept going or not...but how awesome was that?! I love seeing the ripple effect in motion.

I'm linking up with Terri @ Your Friend From Florida
for the Wednesday Medley. Please, be sure to pay her a visit 
and let her know you enjoy the questions!


  1. I love when things like that happen too! There is still kind people out there!! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Well that's the best and only good story I've heard about the DMV. 😊

  3. Awesome story about the DMV, smiles. Enjoyed your answers.

  4. You rarely see goodness happen in the DMV! :) Love that it can occur!!!
    I always try to get stones too - I will draw on them & write the date & location & keep them in a basket at home. Some of them are getting wore down (the ink) so I need to freshen some of them up

  5. Well that was a nice thing to do at the DMV. What a pain to have to go in person and wait ages. Here in the UK I did mine online. Was really easy and came quite quickly in the post.

  6. Oh, my isnt the DMV so much fun! Im like you regrding lighthouses.. THey are fun but I dont seek them out!

  7. Yours was such a sweet gesture at the DMV! Love how that old couple started a 'pay it forward.' Great idea about repurposing your souvenir stones!

  8. That "pay-it-forward" at the DMV is so great! Thanks for joining the Medley today, Stacy. I enjoyed your answers and the photo of the lighthouse you shared.

  9. What a sweet ripple affect you started. I think when someone receives a blessing it is their delight to share it, and this was the perfect picture of that.

  10. I love that you "pay-it-forward" too. Whenever I can I try to do something nice for those who seem to be struggling or in need. Just little things that make a small difference in the moment, hold a door, help a mom, pay for the driver behind me at the fast food drive through. Have a great week!
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  11. That is such a cool story about the DMV! Awesome!
    Thank-you for sharing your lighthouse adventures! I am afraid my hips could not do them anymore either. I found the same thing out with caves that have a lot of stairs. UGH. It really does make me sad. Loved your answers! Have a nice Wednesday!


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