August 6, 2019

10 On Tuesday

** Yesterday's life-changing event. Click here to read it. How could I not still be thinking about it?

** I have to go to the DMV this morning and renew my license. First time in 16 years I don't have to attend classes and put in time with a trainer for a CDL. The "official" end of my bus driving career, I guess.

** Glad I bought the protection plan for the sofa back in December. The rubber backing on the mouse pad disintegrated along the edge and there's a streak of black rubber that I can't get out. If I call and they can't remove it, they will replace it.

** I will be doing sort of the same thing no matter which part of the building I am in at work. My boss had me implement a new way of doing things in the wing I'm always in on the non-dementia side of the building. It is a wing where the majority of the residents are incapable of speech and most physical activity. The regular morning activities of exercise and word games really doesn't fly. So, as of yesterday we are doing something more like what I do in the dementia unit...a lot more sensory type stuff to try and stimulate and engage them. It went pretty well.

** It is going to be so stinking hot today. Bleh.

** No Bible study tonight because our teacher (who, along with her husband, is who we were on the cruise with) left on vacation again...THE DAY AFTER WE GOT HOME FROM THE CRUISE! Back-to-back vacations. Must be nice.

** Heard powdered collagen mixed into a drink is good stuff and really helps hair, skin, nails, and joints. I bought some yesterday. I'll let you know.

** Watched the most recent AGT on demand last night. The opera singing knife act?? Really? They were entertaining, but so were so many of the other much better acts that were sent home. Fatherhood has really softened Simon.

** Tonight is our local police force's Lights Out night. I believe it's a national thing...a sort of party where kids can meet the police and first responders. There are games, basket raffles, food, a demonstration by the K-9's and kids can see fire trucks, police vehicles, ambulances, helicopters, etc. up close and personal. If it's not too hot I'm thinking about taking Colton.

** A huge wasp nest sprang up above our front door since we've been home. Tim noticed it last night and promptly went to the hardware store for 2 cans of spray. He used both on it. We're waiting to see if it worked so we can get the nest down.

Now it's off to the DMV. Fun, fun, fun.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. So glad you're back!!!
    I cant believe I havent watched one episode of AGT this year... not sure why...
    back to back cruises - who are these people, the Karadashians? :) LOL Good for them

    1. I'm only catching AGT on demand this year, but that's mostly because Tim hates it and he's still been up when it starts. I hate to watch parts here and there so I just wait. There are some really good acts and some not so good ones.

  2. Keep us posted on the collagen drink, please! Your friends are off again so soon? Wow! I am looking forward to hearing about how things go with that life-changing event. Do please let us know!

    1. Will do! I'm hoping it works...more for Tim, but I won't complain about any benefit it gives me.

  3. Oh, I SO hope your meeting with your bio father's daughter is a pleasant surprise! Maybe it's just me, but this season's talent on AGT doesn't seem so great (as in prior years). I, too, would like to hear more on the collagen drink. I'm doing Biotin capsules, but can't say they're doing anything.

    1. There are a few good acts, but you're right...not as many WOW's. As for the sister/brother thing, I've got a whole lot of thoughts and emotions going on and probably a lot of them are related to my own feelings of insecurity. We'll see how it goes.

  4. Please keep us posted on the collagen, I wonder about that, smiles. We haven't watched AGT in so long. Also, please keep us updated on your bio father's daughter. AND its very hot and humid here in western NY, come on fall. smiles

    1. Yes! to fall. It's the best time of the year! I'll be sure to let everyone know what I think of the collagen...and my new found family.


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