August 5, 2019


I am...

Reading:  Tuscan Holiday by Holly Chamberlin

Listening to:  whatever shoot'em up movie Tim is watching.

Loving:  cuddles with baby Leah and fun with Colton...missed that boy while we were on vacation!

Thinking:  about how much potential one letter has to change your life. Mom received a letter in the mail today and brought it for me to read. If you recall, Mom was forced into telling me the name of my biological father back before Christmas due to my son getting a "match" on his DNA test. Today's letter came from my half-sister. It seems she and one of my half-brothers (I guess there are 2) have been searching for Mom and I for several weeks since the match pushed them to get the story from their father. They wanted to be considerate of Mom's feelings and of mine since they didn't know if I knew. I told Mom I guess I am willing to talk to them. She is going to call my sister. After 55 years I can't tell you how weird it feels to say that. She is very excited about getting to know me and sent a picture of her and her our brother. Me? I'm feeling a whole lot of things...some good, some not so much. I'll keep you updated.

Feeling:  I had been feeling pretty relaxed after our vacation, but now I'd say shell-shocked covers it.

Celebrating:  our older grandson's birthday tomorrow.

Grateful for:
  a slow easing back into work. I worked today, have tomorrow off, work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and then have the weekend off.

Weather:  Hot and very humid. It was close to 90 today. It should get hotter yet tomorrow.

Enjoying:  fresh tomatoes from the garden. I have been eating so many of them since we got home that they just might start coming out my ears! There's nothing like a just-picked, sun-ripened tomato sandwich with mayo.

A quote I want to share:  I'm in sort of a snarky mood, so....

I beg to differ.

 Hey, as long as that part of my brain works...

Be honest. You know that sometimes you wish you could.



  1. {{{grin}}} I think the weather has to do a lot with our moods--I've been in a "snarky" mood myself for a while now.

    That's great about the Ancestry kit--my husband and one of his brothers did one as well--their mother was adopted and she refuses to have the papers opened (long story, but NY state ordered her adoption papers sealed 75 years ago). Oh the secrets that DNA unleashed is unreal, just saying. Some good and some not. Smiles

  2. I am stealing the bathroom joke. Thanks for the giggles! So glad you are home and I am looking forward to pictures of the new baby AND of your cruise! xox


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