July 19, 2019

Saturday 9: Secret Agent Man

* Joining in today, but I don't know that I will be participating in Sunday Stealing or posting much in the next few days. We leave for a 9 day cruise early Thursday morning and I'm working every day up to then. Something will have to give if I'm going to get everything that needs doing done before then. I won't be posting during the cruise, either, but I promise lots of pictures when we get home. It feels funny to say, "See you in August!"

Secret Agent Man (1966)

I don't think I've ever seen the show, but I've always liked the song. Don't know where I first heard it. And funny, we just had a group in for entertainment at the nursing home that mentioned Johnny Rivers and played a couple of his songs.

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) This is the theme of a TV show that ran on CBS from 1964-1967. The series was produced, and originally aired, in England. The BBC has shared many shows with American audiences over the years. Can you name another?  Benny Hill. That's all I've got. I'm not big on British television, but Benny Hill was very popular when I was in high school. My mom even stayed up to watch him now and then.

2) The show is about John Drake, a special agent dedicated to exposing plots that threaten world peace. A quick check of Netflix and Goodreads reveals that spy stories are just as popular today. Is espionage a genre you enjoy? Do you read books, or watch shows and movies, about spies?  Yes. I enjoy a good spy story. Many of the books I read are spy thrillers and it's the genre of movie my husband prefers so I see a lot of those....and Daniel Craig makes it easy to watch James Bond movies.

3) The lyrics tell us Drake travels from the Riviera to Bombay. Where were you when you last spent the night away from home? Why were you there (vacation, business, international intrigue)?  I think I was in Erie, PA for a weekend away with my husband last fall. I can't think of anything since then. No wonder I'm so ready for our vacation next week!

4) The refrain states, "They've given you a number and taken away your name." In today's digital world, that could now be said of all of us. Are you good at remembering your computer passwords? Only the 3 or 4 that I use daily. For the rest I have a notebook of all my passwords stashed somewhere handy.

5) Patrick McGoohan, who played Agent Drake, went from being a good guy to appearing as a murderer on Columbo four times. Were you a fan of Columbo?  I know my parents watched him, but I don't remember ever sitting down and watching. However, now that several of the "oldies" stations are playing him in reruns I am totally hooked!

6) Born John Ramistella, this week's featured artist, Johnny Rivers, grew up in Louisiana. He took "Rivers" as his stage name because he grew up along the Mighty Mississippi. If you were to change your last name based on the geography of the area where you grew up, how would you be known?  Stacy Mountain. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

7) In 1966, when this song was popular, Jacqueline Kennedy was the woman most Americans admired. What famous woman do you admire most? (She doesn't have to be American.)  Does she have to be living? I'm a little hard pressed to come up with someone current as I don't pay a lot of attention to pop culture and those in leadership, well....let's just not go there. From days gone by I admired Mother Theresa for her selfless giving, Barbara Bush for her classy ways and devotion to her husband, and Barbara Walters for the barriers she broke in journalism.

8) 1966 also found another Jacqueline was in the news. Jacqueline Susann's first novel, Valley of the Dolls, was atop the best seller lists, even though it was savaged by the critics. What's your guilty pleasure? What book, movie, TV show, or song do you enjoy, even though you know it has little artistic merit?
  Dirty Dancing.

9) Random question: Imagine you've been stranded alone in the woods for 10 days. No companionship, no internet or phone or TV. You have been sleeping in the dirt, living on berries and river water. Your rescuers drive you to a hotel. Upon check-in, what's the first thing you do?  Take a shower! After 10 days sleeping in dirt with bugs and creepy crawlies that's a no-brainer.

Please visit the Saturday 9 site and join in the fun!


  1. We seem to be at loggerheads on Question #9.

    Try on all the new clothes you plan on bringing. I was unpleasantly surprised by a couple of evening dresses that were much too large for my mother and me.

    And had to borrow a steak knife from the dining room to punch a hole in a belt.

    The tough part was smuggling it back in the next evening. Seafood.

    1. I'll be over to find out what we disagree on with #9.

      I've tried on everything new and broke in the shoes. I don't have to worry about an evening dress, though, as we aren't doing the formal dining thing. My friend assures me that dressy slacks and a top or a regular dress will do for me and khakis with a sport coat for the hubby.

      Too funny about the steak knife.

      And oh yes, the seafood. I may be looking forward to that most of all.

  2. We have the same idea, but I think "Beverly Hills" rolls off the tongue better than "Stacy Mountain."

  3. The cruise! The cruise! I hope you're having a wonderful time.

    I had a boyfriend who adored Benny Hill and would laugh out loud, even when he was alone in the room with the TV. (And he was alone in the room with the TV because I just didn't get it.)

    1. Thank you, and I admit that back in high school I thought Benny was funny stuff.

  4. I hope you have a great trip and relax and stuff. Bon voyage! I would shower as one my first things, too.

  5. I am like you, Stacy.. All I can see around me are mountains... the BLue Ridge and I thought Schotzy MOuntain sounded too weird, I thought, well if I see the mountains I am in a valley so I went with Schotzy Valley, but I am really not into Rudy, at all!

    1. Valley is a bit better than Mountain. I guess we should have lived somewhere else.

  6. Just after a couple of hours in the woods walking and I want to jump in a shower let along 10 days

    1. The woods don't bother me too much, but something about working in the garden makes my skin crawl every single time. I suppose it's an allergy of some sort, but I don't know what.

  7. Interesting questions! Have fun on your cruise - sounds like a glorious, well-earned vacatoin!

  8. Yes, Daniel Craig makes it easy to watch Bond (grin)...unfort...Bond will be a woman after Craig leaves this final one, sigh...so , no more Bond for me. I enjoyed your answers, have a great cruise!! smiles

    1. Yeah...I'm not liking the whole female angle on Bond. It's just wrong.

  9. Oh, Benny Hill! Yikes, I never could stand him. Maybe I need to rethink Columbo in the reruns. I hope your vacation is wonderful!

  10. 9 days at sea? I'd expire from JOY! Loved Barbara Bush! 99% of my passwords are variations on a theme; still I keep them in a password-protected Excel file.

    1. Most of my passwords are based on 2 or 3 roots and then I add the variables, but I still need a little help with some of them.

  11. I liked Barbara Bush too. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.


  12. My dad loved Benny Hill - probably because it was a little naughty for the times. This was a fun S9. I am excited for you and Tim and the coming cruise!

    1. Benny was indeed a bit naughty back then. I'm sure that's what made him so popular with the high school crowd.

  13. Dirty Dancing!!! and Pretty Woman... both guilty pleasures. Although, lol, I think they have some artistic merit, I guess?


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