July 13, 2019

A Sad, Sleepy Sunday Stealing

This week's Sunday Stealing questions were stolen from Sad Sleepy Survey Rambles.Thanks to Bev for always being on the alert for new questions for us to answer. If you think this is fun, you can join in here. I think it's fun because I don't have to work this weekend!

Have you ever been teased because of the things you like?  I can't really think of anything, but I'm sure somewhere along the way someone probably teased me a little for liking something. Just like you do with friends or family, not in a bullying way.

Do you hold grudges?
  I'm usually pretty good at forgiving people because none of us are perfect and we all mess up sometimes, but I have to admit that there are a couple of people with whom I can't seem to get over what they did. I would never plot or carry out revenge, though.

Were there any classes you enjoyed because of the teacher?
  I suspect Mr. Feather had a lot to do with why I loved astronomy in high school. He was tough, but really funny and we had fun while learning a lot.

Was there a dress code at your school?
  Only that you couldn't wear shorts until the temperature hit 80 degrees and then the shorts had to be at least long enough to be even with your fingertips when your arms were down at your sides. I'm sure they'd have said something if anyone wore something very offensive, crude, revealing, etc., but I don't believe it was in writing.

Have you ever been a bad friend?
  Going back to that "none of us are perfect" thing, I'm sure someone out there thinks I've been a bad friend. Hopefully it was an isolated incident and not part of a pattern.

Has a friend ever replaced you with somebody else?
  I'm a female. I think that's happened to all of us at some point...and we've all probably done it to someone.

Have you ever disliked something just because it was popular?
  No. That's kind of a stupid way to judge something.

Have you ever watched a movie just because it starred an actor you liked?  Lots of times.

Are there actors/musicians you have met?  A few, though most of them were probably only mildly famous. The biggest name I've met face to face is Toby Keith.

Do you ever judge people based on the music they listen to?  Not usually, but death metal might be an exception. 

What about your top five music albums?  I hate these questions! I have such a hard time choosing. My musical tastes are very ecclectic. So, I'm just going to shoot off the first 5 that come to mind.
  1.  Endless Summer by the Beach Boys
  2.  One More From the Road by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  3.  Hotel California by the Eagles
  4.  Uh-huh or Scarecrow by John Cougar Mellencamp
  5.  Back Home Again by John Denver

Do you remember the first album you ever owned?  I do. Do you remember those old commercials for K-tel albums? My first grown up album was K-tel's Music Machine.

Do you still use an mp3 player, or just your phone?
  I use my phone at work, the radio and CD player in the car, and the CD player and Alexa in the house.

Do you like Elton John?
  Some of his songs. He was huge for a long time and his songs were everywhere, but I've never really been a big fan.

Have any celebrity deaths hit you hard? Which one(s)?
  Princess Diana is probably the only one that really affected me. The media had covered her life so constantly and completely that her death felt like someone I actually knew. Otherwise, I feel bad that someone whose talent I enjoyed passed away, but I don't really mourn.


  1. Oh my, K-Tel Records!!! I wanted them all, lol.

    1. Me, too! And I did have several more before they went the way of the dinosaurs.

    2. FUN FACT: David Bowie was a K-Tel artist. 「The Best Of Bowie」, (1980).

      K-Tel edited 「Life On Mars?」 and 「Diamond Dogs」so all the tracks would fit on an LP.

      Slim Whitman was the big K-Tel star, though.

      I have no idea how I know this.

  2. Not heard of Toby Keith (maybe because I am British). I know people who like death metal - it's not my cup of tea but I think you be surprised to know that tehy are not as bad as their taste in music suggests.




    1. Oh, I know. It's not really that I judge, more that I wonder about the state of mind of someone who enjoys such lyrics.

  3. Ah, Hotel California - another great album.

    1. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

  4. I love how happy you look in that photo with Mr. Keith.

    1. I'm lucky I'm not drooling on myself in the photo. The man is a hottie in person and has a killer smile. When he turned and smiled at me....all rational thought and my ability to speak coherently disappeared.

  5. Ha … I'd quite forgotten those K-tel albums! I'd probably expire from joy to stand that close to Toby. Your opening .gif could well be ME each morning, trying to hide from my dogs. Happy Sunday!

    1. Ha! I nearly did expire (read my response above to Gal's comment). I can identify with poor Donald Duck in the gif, too.

  6. Oh your music choices are fantastic! I love all of those too. I would add The Beach Boys too. Loved your answers! Have a nice Sunday!


  7. K-Tel! Dang we're old! LOL. I remember those. I don't think I had any of them, though. I had a hard time with the music thing because I don't own that many albums. I mostly listen to the radio and I was "mixing tapes" long before Sony invented the Walkman. I used to tape my favorite songs from American Top 40.

    1. Yeah, but we still had the best music! Oh my gosh, making "mix tapes." Today's generation will never know the agony of waiting all afternoon with your finger poised on the "Record" button...only to have the phone ring, the dog bark, or the doorbell ring 10 seconds into the song! How many Sundays were spent that way!

  8. Oh my gosh! I haven't thought of K-Tel in years and years! LOL Your answers were fun, Stacy! I passed because I'm not a music or movie person. Had to think too hard about it! LOL Have a good week!

    1. Thanks, Terri! Those aren't necessarily my favorite albums. They are up there, but I'd be hard pressed to actually pick 5 favorites.

  9. What a blast from the past--your favorite albums and the K-Tel!


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