June 27, 2019

Thankful Thursday: It's All the Little Things

Good morning! I'm sorry I didn't get around to visit everyone yesterday for the Wednesday Medley. Our daughter and her family were here last evening and I just didn't have time.  I hope to be able to catch up after work today.

Today is my favorite blogging day...Thankful Thursday. I just love taking the time to remember and share with you, all the things the Lord has blessed me with in the last week. It's so encouraging to think on all the ways He provides for me and your stories just make my heart sing with joy!

A big thank you and shout out to our hostess, the sweet, adorable Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand. Be sure to pay her blog a visit because she always has the best lists and she is just the most joyful person.

This week I am thankful...

** my stepdad is out of the hospital and recuperating at home. I know he is happier and I think it will be less stressful for my mom.

** the Celebrex seems to be helping a lot with the foot/knee/hip pain. I finally settled on taking it in the morning rather than before bed. It seemed smarter to try to prevent the pain to begin with than to try and ease it after I had it. 

** my little garden is growing like crazy! I'm a little worried about pollination, though, because I haven't seen any bees. If it comes down to it, I read an article and now know how to manually pollinate at least the cucumbers and zucchini (it involves knowing the difference between the male blossoms and the female blossoms).

** our daughter hasn't had any more contractions, but keep her in prayer, please? She has to see a hematologist at the cancer center (because that's where the hematologists work) because her white blood cell count has been rising. It could be caused by stress, infection (she has a bad tooth that they can't do anything with during the pregnancy), the steroid shots she got to speed up development of the baby's lungs, a few other things, or the big scary C-word. I feel sure it's the tooth, the shot or stress, but she's the biggest worrier I've ever known and is thinking the worst, of course.

** a beautiful day yesterday that allowed us to take many of the residents at the home out into the garden for morning exercise. 

** Tim is holding up under the pressures of finishing up his current project. It's been a nightmare from the beginning and now it is running long, due to all the rain and subcontractors not finishing in a timely manner. It's going to run about a month over the projected finish date. He's working 7 days a week and 12 hours a day. He should finish right before we leave on vacation. I'm kind of figuring he'll sleep through the first day or two.

** speaking of vacation....only 28 days until our cruise!! Am I excited? Oh, heck, yeah! It's our first cruise and our first vacation without the kids or any other family along. There's another couple going with us, but that's a blessing where, much as you love them, family can be a stressor. 

** to be consistently getting a little more sleep at night.

** as always, for each one of you!


  1. I have to go to the hematologist as well in a cancer center & its always just surreal to be in that waiting room with so many who are struggling.... praying for your girl though. Hope they find out the source soon on what's causing an infection.
    So what is that med for? Is it for inflammation? I'm trying to find a new Turmeric to try & help with all my inflammation I'm having again.
    You'll have to share a pic of all your garden goodies!!! I always am so amazed to watch things grow

    1. I would hate going to a cancer center...I know I'd feel kind of weird and kind of ashamed for being there when it's not cancer.
      The Celebrex is for inflammation. I can't take any other NSAID with it or I could end up with ulcers, bleeding, etc.
      I'll try to get some pictures of my little garden soon.

  2. Being a life-long "what-iffer", I sure sympathize with your daughter. And wow. What happens if Tim's project doesn't finish in time at the 11th hour. That sounds a little close for comfort! So glad to hear the Celebrex is giving you some relief!

    1. I sympathize somewhat with her somewhat. I can what-if at times, but I've trained myself to turn it over to God in the last few years because worry doesn't change a thing. It just ruins the present.
      Even if the project isn't completely done, Tim still gets to go on vacation. He'll have it close enough that someone else can step in while he's gone.

  3. What a great list to be thankful for! Hope you get good news, and can relax and enjoy your cruise next month!

  4. I had to go to the cancer center for some of my bladder tests last year before my bladder sling surgery. It is troubling to walk through the door with Cancer Center just above it. I always enjoy your thankful lists, Stacy! I'm so excited for you and your coming cruise!


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