June 29, 2019

Saturday 9: Ooh La La

Linking up with Sam and the gang at the Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: Ooh La La (2013)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) "Ooh la la" is defined as an interjection said when you think someone or something is "surprising, unusual or attractive." Looking back over this week, did you come across anything that deserves an "ooh la la?"  Nope. It wasn't that kind of week.

2) In this song, Britney Spears sings that she's eager to accompany you, even if you're not a millionaire. But let's say you suddenly become really rich. What's the first leisure trip you would take with your new funds? Who would you bring along?  I'd take a cross-country trip with no real plan or time limit...just go where the mood takes me. The only person I'd take along would be my husband. 

3) Britney is eager to dance with you, even if you don't wear designer clothes. Let's say you need to add a blouse (or shirt) to your wardrobe. Where's your go-to for clothes shopping?  I shop online. I can't say I have a favorite for clothes. I just do a search and start browsing.

4) The video begins with Britney at the movies with her two young sons. Will you be seeing any family members this weekend?  I'm sure I'll see my husband, my mom, my daughter and my grandson.

5) This is a theme from the movie Smurfs 2. A Smurf is a little blue creature who lives in a mushroom-shaped house in the forest. Assuming that your home is not shaped like a mushroom and isn't in the forest, how would you describe your abode? (Mansion, ranch house, farm house, high-rise, igloo …)  Ranch style. Though, right about now I wouldn't mind if it was an igloo.

6) Britney admits to smoking and biting her nails. What bad habit do you wish you could break?  Biting my nails (I still do it when I'm really stressed) and Facebook and blogging.

7) In 2013, when this song was popular, Pope Benedict resigned. Thinking over your working life, have you been more nervous on your first day of a job, or the last one?  The first.

8) Also in 2013, golfer Phil Mickelson won the British Open. When did you most recently golf?  1983. Unless you're going to count mini golf.

9) Random question -- On what part of your body was the last itch you scratched?  My head.


  1. Another miniature golf player, we seem to have a lot of Saturday 9ers who play.

  2. Another nail biter here … cuticles, too. Oh, I hope you're not serious about breaking your blogging habit!

    1. I'm not going away. I've hung in here for almost 20 years. I don't think I could quit. I'd just like to spend a little less time on it.

  3. So many nail biters. I bit my nails up until I married. One day I looked at my hands and saw white on the tips of my nails! It so inspired me that I kept my nails long and manicured for many years. My husband loves that, however, I can't seem to quit messing with my cuticles.

  4. Nail biter too! Why do you consider blogging a bad habit? It keeps you writing, and you've made friends of a sort. Just curious.

    1. Blogging isn't bad in and of itself...it's the amount of time I spend on it and reading other blogs.

  5. Loved your #3 answer Stacy. How I wish I could go cross country with plans. Just get up and go. But alas not anymore. Enjoyed your answers. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. I forgot about miniature golf. I think I played once long ago! These memes are fun :)

  7. I've never bitten my nails. But I have other habits. ;)

  8. Your answer to #1 made me smile because I've had a rather awful week. If the vet hadn't come through so impressively at 4:00 Friday afternoon, I would have been ooh-la-la free.

    1. I read your posts this week and you have had an awful week. Mine hasn't been awful, just...m'eh.

  9. Your cross country trip sounds great! I think that would be so much fun. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. That's my dream vacation. It'd be fun to find all the places featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives to eat at and maybe stop to meet all my blogging friends along the way. :)

  10. I didnt think through #3 enough.. online sales is my first go to for sure!!

  11. I shop on line first, always! I am just not a store shopper. Maybe when my knees don't hurt anymore... I enjoyed your Saturday 9 and wish you a good week ahead! I have seven days off!! Hooray!


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