June 23, 2019

Sunday Stealing: If You're Happy and You Know It

I'm linking up with Bev and the other "thieves" at Sunday Stealing today.

Questions from Free Talk Random Questions

1. Are you a happy person?  Yes, basically.

2. What is happiness for you?  My family, having a sense of purpose, being able to do things I enjoy, friends, and a sense of peace and contentment.

3. What do you think is the color of happiness?  A bright sunny yellow.

4. Can money buy happiness?  No, but it can definitely remove some stresses that might prevent it. Of course it can also bring new stresses so the trick is to find a balance.

5. Is happiness a state of mind?  I think it is, at least somewhat. Happiness is definitely influenced by external factors, but I believe the old saying about most people being just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. We can wake up every morning and decide to look for the good in everything. 

6. What are three things that make you happy?  My grandchildren, a good book, laughter.

7. Does having a pet make you happy?  Yes. I can't imagine not having a pet. To me a house isn't a home without a furry friend. And study after study has shown that pets reduce stress in the people around them.

8. When was the happiest time of your childhood?  That was definitely when my family lived in the wildlife preserve. I loved being in the woods and getting to be around all the animals and learning from the scientific types who worked or studied there.

9. Can you be happy if you are rich?  Yes, but I do think it's more difficult. There is a danger in being rich of being owned by your riches.

10. Do you think happiness lies within you or does it depend on other people and external things?  Happiness is a combination of both. A deep, abiding joy is different and is independent of life's circumstances. 

11. Are single people happy?  I'm sure many of them are. 

12, What is the effect that animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy?  Already answered this one. Oops.

13.  Can you be happy if you are poor?  Absolutely! Some of the poorest people I have ever met are also among the happiest I've ever met.

14.  What is there to be happy about in today’s world?  There are an infinite number of things to be happy about if you open your eyes and your heart and LOOK for them. It all comes back to attitude for me. If you look for good things, you will find good things. If you look for the negative, you will find it.

15.  How happy are you compared with your friends.  We're probably pretty even with a few exceptions...and those are happier than I am. I have learned as I get older to trim the negative Nellies from my life. Life is too short to be drained by those people I call "joy suckers" or "emotional vampires." 


  1. "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln. I love that quote because he battled depression (melancholia, as it was known back then) and it was a battle for him to stay positive.

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  2. I cannot always just make up my mind to be happy. I have a chemical imbalance and need drugs to help me out with that. I wish it were that easy, though. The struggle through the molasses grows mighty wearying sometimes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have close family members who struggle with true depression. I know it's a serious illness with a physical cause. I hope you aren't offended. I would never try to minimize depression. I was just talking about those who are negative all the time or who choose to find fault with everything and everyone.

  3. Even when I'm in a deep bout of depression I still know I'm at my core a happy person.

  4. My answers were similar to your's. I agree with you! I answered from my perspective though. Love your answers! Have a nice Sunday!


  5. So many truths here! As ever, I love how you enhance ordinary Q&A into something(s) thoughtful! #14 and #15 really hit home for me since my hubby struggles with depression and negativity.

    1. Thank you! I have learned through experience that negativity just adds to any woes you may have. It's just digging your pit deeper.

  6. " If you look for good things, you will find good things. If you look for the negative, you will find it." I need to open my eyes wider. Somehow I can never get past Washington, DC.

    1. Well, Washington is a bit of an obstacle. I know we are on different sides of the political spectrum on many things, but even so...I am not pleased with very many in Washington at all, no matter what party they represent.

  7. I love your answer to #10 Great all around, though Have a great new week!


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