June 22, 2019

Saturday 9: Venus in Blue Jeans

Linking up with Sam @ The Saturday 9 today.

Saturday 9: Venus in Blue Jeans (1962)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Like the dream girl described in this song, Sam is wearing jeans as she composes this Saturday 9. Is there a lot of denim in your wardrobe?  Yes, there is, though I don't get as many chances to wear it since I started my job at the nursing home. We do have casual Fridays, though, and I am all over that!

2) Jimmy Clanton likens this girl to the Venus de Milo, the ancient Greek sculpture made of marble and now on display at the Louvre. Is there any marble in your home?  I'm thinking....  No, I don't think there is.

3) He refers to his girl as "Mona Lisa with a pony tail." The Mona Lisa is also at the Louvre. What's the last museum you visited?  I think it was the Science Center in Pittsburgh. We took our son's kids last year or the year before.      

4) This girl is so awesome, she's the 8th Wonder of the World! Without looking it up, could you name the other 7?  Nope. Not even going to try. I'm sure I'd be short a couple.

5) Jimmy Clanton spent his entire professional life behind a microphone. After he quit selling records, he began spinning them as a DJ. Do you consider the sound of your voice one of your better qualities?  Absolutely not!

6) At age 80, Mr. Clanton still performs. He averaged an appearance/month in 2018. Some of his fans were surprised that he has let his pompadour go completely white. Do you color your hair?  Yes, but I'm long overdue for a trip to the salon. At this point, I figure I'll wait a couple of weeks and get it done before our cruise. It's not going to get much grayer at the roots than it already is.

7) In 1962, when this song was popular, Americans were reading about 5-year-old First Daughter, Caroline Kennedy, and her pony, Macaroni. Tell us about a pet you had when you were very young.  I think the first pet I had was a goldfish that a department store Santa gave kids after they sat on his lap. I can't remember the fish's name, but he/she met an untimely demise when my dad (who was sick with pneumonia...so why was he doing it?) cleaned the fish bowl and forgot to put the little catch net over the drain in the sink. My parents told me for years that he just went down the pipe and into the river that ran through town. They said he was probably a giant gold fish by then. Yeah, right.

8) Decades later, Caroline Kennedy was the first woman to serve as US Ambassador to Japan. Have you ever been to Asia?  No.

9) Random question: When talking among themselves, who do you think is more open and honest about sex -- men or women?  I don't know. I think both sexes are open at times and either exaggerate or omit at other times, depending on who they are talking to. But if you come down to medical questions about such things, I think we women have way fewer qualms about sharing.


  1. Poor little fishie,

    My niece's goldfish was a floater. My sister's family was on vacation and I'm suppose to collect the mail and feed the fish and water the plants.

    Had the Burial At Sea with full honors.

    Now what do I do? Buy a new goldfish?

    When I picked them up at the airport I told her I had something very important to tell her.

    "It's my fish, isn't it?"

    Yes. And I braced myself for the waterworks to be turned on.

    She looked me in the eye and said, "Auntie. It's the circle of life."

    1. The circle of life....I'm now holding my Poodle in the air singing the song.

  2. Your answer about the goldfish reminded me we too had a couple of goldfish and also some guppies. Good answer on the last one. I had no idea the answer to that.

  3. We had fish too when I was small. My mother hated to clean the tank. I don't think we had them long. I hope you enjoy your cruise. I would like to take one but I would have to go alone. My husband would never go.

    1. We branched out from the fishy down the drain to 3 aquariums!

  4. Maybe he did, there are reports of alligators and snakes living in the sewer system

  5. Oh poor fishy.... Have a great Saturday!

  6. I like your answer to #9. If we are vigilant about our pap smears and mammograms, we stop being sensitive about talking about intimate things early on, don't we?

    1. Between all those and pregnancy and (in my case) coming within a hair's breath of cervical cancer...what do we have left to be shy about???

  7. I wonder if your dad (privately) beat himself up for ages over that poor fish's demise!

  8. I keep thinking about coloring my hair but can't decide.

    1. I keep thinking about going gray, but waffle on it. That, and my husband says "not yet."

  9. I had fish when I was in college, they were so relaxing to watch. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


    1. We went on to have aquariums and I had my own big aquarium after I got married.


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