May 23, 2019

Storms, Kitties & Aquaman

'Morning, everyone! It's my day off and guess what? The forecast is for, what else, rain! Actually, the forecast is more of a batten-down-the-hatches-seek-cover-in-an-inner-room-say-your-prayers kind of thing. They are expecting this area to be hit hard this afternoon. Clouds are already building, making the morning dark and gloomy.

Remembering and reflecting on all God does for us strengthens our faith, so this morning with that nasty weather bearing down is a great time to remember and give thanks for all the blessings God has poured out in the last week. ('Course it's a partial list, 'cause ain't nobody got time for the complete list!)

Linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

This week I am thankful... 

**  that I do not have to fear the storm. I know whose hands I'm in and he is the One who calms the seas with a word.

**  my back didn't keep hurting the way it hurt on Tuesday (but I am still asking about it at today's dr. appointment because while no longer excruciating, it is still bothersome)

**  for the informational insurance meeting at work yesterday. I don't get my insurance through my work, but found out the free programs they were telling us about are available to us through our insurance from Tim's work because, while not the same plan, it's the same provider. We didn't know about any of the programs before and some are very being able to video chat with a live doctor instead of having to try to schedule an appointment for minor things...or having life coaches available to help with any problem you might be having in life from financial planning to mental health issues to how to best take care of aging parents. So very, very cool. And it's all FREE!

**  the bag of Lindt caramel truffles my sweet hubby brought me yesterday. I don't need them, but they mean he thought of me through the day. 

**  for every precious moment with the grands and the extra joy of being able to witness Colton growing up on a daily basis. Yesterday he got a new kitty. He named her "Keke."

**  for all the beautiful flowers! My mock orange bush is blooming and it smells absolutely divine, everyone's Peonies are blooming and they are so big and beautiful this year, the Iris are blooming, the Rhodies are blooming, the Wisteria is blooming. I would love Spring if it wasn't for the rain. And the mud.

**  Aquaman. I'm a little late to this party. We finally watched the movie on Sunday and it was good, but have you seen the man, himself???

Holy, smokin', Toledo!!!!  Aquaman is no longer the lamest superhero on the planet.

**  my cousin-in-law is so accommodating about working around my goofy work schedule (and the fact that I have a million things to take care of on my day off) to get my car inspected. Sometimes it's good to be related to the mechanic.

**  just like always, for each one of you!

Have a blessed and happy Thankful Thursday!


  1. Oh that's awesome about the extra benefits through insurance!!!! Those little things add up. We have cancer insurance & critical care insurance that ends up paying us $300 straight to our bank account when we get our normal yearly exams. How cool is that.
    Aquaman... YAZZZZAAAAAAAAA - good thing he's in water because he is indeed SMOKIN'!!!! :)
    Be safe - I heard on the news this morning about those storms!!!

    1. Anything free from the insurance company is awesome, though given the cost of it really "free?" I didn't get the cancer insurance, but did get short and long term disability and something else. I forget what. Isn't that awful? I really should bone up on what all I have.

  2. Those insurance benefits are awesome. That is something to be thankful for. and your adorable little grandson with his new kitten is too precious! When I was his age, I had a cat named "Keke" also.

  3. This time of year, its seems as if there's a new blessing every time we walk out the door. Beautiful colors and scents of spring!

    1. Absolutely! Even though spring was late in coming this year and the rain has been as bad as last year, everything is blooming like crazy this year. I can't remember the last time the peonies were so pretty.

  4. Take care in that storm, Stacy!! Hope it isn't as bad as predicted. We do trust in Jesus, but I think He would expect us to be as safe as possible!! :) The flowers sound amazing! No fluffy peonies down here and I also miss the lilacs. Colton and his Keke!! So cute!!

    1. The storm completely missed us! All we got was about 10 minutes of light rain. The lilacs have already bloomed and gone. They were not as nice as it was still kind of cold and they got hit by frost.

  5. That pix of Colton and Keke is seriously tugging at my heartstrings. I hope he/she will be a Good Friend, particularly when his little sis arrives. Nice to hear good things about an insurance company.

    1. We are hoping he is a good friend to Keke...she's such a tiny little thing and being all boy, Colton is kind of rough.

  6. Did you get the storm? We did. But not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Colton is so cute with his little "Keke". I know they will be good friends for years. My yard is blooming also and I am so thankful for all the beautiful colors and scents of a spring garden.

    1. No, we didn't get the storm. We had a few minutes of rain and that was it. It totally missed us!

  7. This is my first time on your blog, I'm part of the Thankful Thursday link. Great news about those insurance programs! Colton and keke are adorable!


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