May 28, 2019

10 On Tuesday

Woke up before Tim's alarm even went off this morning (so basically the middle of the night) to the sounds of thunder rumbling overhead and rain pelting the windows. Once awake I couldn't fall back to sleep. Story of my life lately. The rain continued for a while, but the thunder and lightening didn't last long...good news as the reports come out of Dayton concerning the tornado that hit in the night (part of the same system)

The always correct and reliable weather predicting folks say we shouldn't have to worry now...until late this afternoon when storms will form and roll through again. Oh, wait. I still have the news on and they are saying heavy rains are rolling through right now. You can actually hear it on the news studio's roof while they are talking. Should make it here within the hour. 

I've got tons of stuff to get done today, so here's a list of some things I've seen recently and thought were interesting.

1.  Moonglow Jewelry. You tell this company any date you want to remember, choose a style of jewelry (bracelet, necklace, etc.) and they will customize it with a photo of the moon on that day. You can have them engraved, too.

2.  Cirkul Water Bottles. These bottles use flavor cartridges and allow you to choose how much flavor to add to your water with a dial on the lid. If you struggle to drink enough water, this could help.

3.  Socket Shelf. This thing could be a game changer. It's a charging station that takes any outlet and turns it into 6 outlets, 2 USB ports, a surge protector, and a shelf to hold phones and tablets.

4. Acorn Metal Art. This company is actually run by a former boss of mine and her husband. She designs the signs and he cuts them out. She puts the finishes on them. They sell them at craft shows and the farmers market as well as online. It helps supplement his sign making business (which Tim gets all of his signs for work from). I have the cow jumping over the moon art and I love it!

5.  Revive Essential Oils.  If you like and use oils or want to try them, this may be good news. High quality oils tend to be very expensive and cheaper oils are not what they are cracked up to be. Revive offers the same very high quality oils as doTerra, but at a much lower price. How can they do that? Easy. Revive is not a multi-level marketing company while most other oil companies are. That drives up the price. Just as an example, Frankincense, one of my favorite oils for headache relief, costs nearly $100 from doTerra. It is only $18 from Revive.

6.  Color Street Nail Polish Strips. There was another company selling nail polish strips a while ago. I tried those and hated them. Applying them was tricky. It involved applying heat and getting everything just so. I never did manage to get mine looking good. Now there is Color Street. It's the same idea, but there's no heat involved. You just stick them on and trim. They have them for your toes and in petite sizes, too.

7.  Wanderlust Scratch-Off Travel Map. If you do a lot of traveling or know someone who does, this is a cool way to keep track of the places you go and it looks good on display.

8. The Photo Family Tree. How cool is this?! I always love those family trees I see on Pinterest, but I don't have that much artistic talent. Now I only have to be able to hang the pieces on the wall. (Okay, and I'd have to find an empty wall big enough to do it.)

9.  3Doodler. You doodle. I doodle. Why not do it in 3-D???

10.  Wickedbone Smart Bone. This one's for the pups. This is a dog toy that learns how to play with your specific pet. 


  1. Very interesting items posted...I would love to have a dog so I could test out that awesome dog toy! HA!My sister loves those paint strips...I just paint my nails with plain old polish.

  2. I'm thinking that Moonglow link would make a great anniversary gift! (Except every date that means something to me ALL comes up with the same moon phase … what are the odds!) Going over to check out those essential oils right now. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Fun stuff here! Thanks for the links. I'm going right now to check out a couple!!

  4. WHAT IS THAT 3D DOODLER???? I think that could be a new obsession for me!!!!
    I'm loving that shelf socket thing too!!!


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