April 17, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Haiku Poetry Day

1.  Haiku poetry is actually pretty easy to write.  Give it a try right here... Well, I'd really like to, but I'm still getting ready for work and don't really have time...'cause I'm sure it would take me a while to come up with something. I was never good at Haiku when we did it in school.
2.  Haiku poetry aside, have you ever written a poem?  Will you share it with us?  Oh, gosh yes! I used to write poems all the time when I was a teenager, but sorry, I don't have any of them around to share. I'm sure they were terribly sappy things, anyway.
3.  Do you have a favorite poet or does poetry usually make you yawn?  I have always liked Robert Frost.
4.  April 17  is National Ellis Island Family History Day, too,  Did any of your ancestors or relatives immigrate through Ellis Island from another country?  I don't believe so. My ancestors on my mom's side were all here long before that and my dad's Irish ancestors came in through Philadelphia. 
5.  We also celebrate National Cheeseball Day on April 17th.  Do you have a favorite cheeseball recipe to share with us or have cheeseballs basically disappeared from parties today?  I couldn't tell you the last time I've seen a cheeseball, let alone eaten some.
6.  If you want to share, please tell us something random about your week.  
I am TIRED today. The Bible study group I am part of had it's annual Easter dinner last night. 
We have always had a Middle Eastern dinner on Maundy Thursday and invited family and friends. It had really grown too big to host in our teacher's home (or anyone else's) and the amount of work required to prepare and clean up was kind of sucking the joy out of it. So, this year we decided to scale it back to just our group of 14 and have it during our regular class time.
In years past, I couldn't help with the cooking because I always had to work on Maundy Thursday. This year I was the only one who didn't have to work so my teacher and I roasted lamb, made couscous with roasted vegetables, made another dish with cucumbers/tomato/parsley/mint (I can't remember the name of it), made hummus, made salad, and mixed, kneaded, and rolled 6 batches of pita bread! 

It was all worth it. Everyone enjoyed the food and we had great fellowship around the table, followed by communion. By the time we got everything cleaned up and put away it was 10:30. So, that's why I'm tired today.

Thanks to Terri for another fun Medley! Pay her a visit to join in the fun.


  1. OK - I totally love you all have an Easter dinner together... how meaningful!!!

    1. It really is and it was particularly meaningful this year. Our teacher's husband (and the pastor of our little home church) used his life as an example... They have been having problems with their next-door neighbor for quite a while and have asked us to pray. It's bad enough they've had the police out. Anyway, they've kept their cool more than I would have, but while I was there Tuesday the neighbor started telling his dog to go bark at the little girl across the road when she was outside playing. That's when my friend lost it (messing with little kids!) and told the neighbors they were white trash. I have never seen him so angry and his wife and I kept cautioning him not to let them bait him into sin. Anyway, he went to the basement to work off his anger and while he was down there he calmed down and knew he'd been wrong so he repented and then (this is awesome) he went to the neighbors and apologized, not for what he said but for how he said it. He let them know that he had been wrong to call them a name, but that they were still wrong for what they did. Anyway, he told the story to our class and said that even though he'd repented and was able to take communion he just didn't feel right about it and so wouldn't be giving it, either. It fell to his wife and me. What a great example he is!

  2. I agree with Rebecca Jo. You and your teacher did a huge amount of work with that meal, which I am sure was delicious and appreciated by all attending! Thanks for joining in today, Stacy! I was looking forward to your Haiku poem. Perhaps another time!!

    1. Thank you, it was a great dinner and it was greatly enjoyed. I don't know about the Haiku...I really wasn't good at it in school.

  3. Great food and better fellowship? Win-Win! Get some good rest this evening!

    1. Thank you. I did get sleep last night and feel much refreshed today.

  4. What a fun dinner and fellowship!! Have a great rest of your Wednesday!!

  5. What a lovely dinner and fellowship! That is awesome!
    I so bet you could have put together a haiku...you wrote more syllables in your answer than a haiku has...hee, hee!!!! Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!



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