April 10, 2019

April Challenge: Days 9 & 10

Oops! I totally forgot to post for the April Challenge yesterday, so I'm playing catch-up again and posting two today.

Day 9

Your Life Story In Five Sentences:

  • I was born.
  • I grew up.
  • I got married.
  • I raised a family (and lived a lot of life).
  • I was born again.

Day 10

A Place You Have Never Visited:  Ha! That would be the majority of the world, but I'm going to assume what's meant here is the place I've never visited, but most want to visit. That would be a tie between Australia and the Middle East (Israel, Egypt, Iraq, etc.). I suppose there's a chance Australia could happen, but probably not the others thanks to the danger factor.

* No Wednesday Medley for me this week. It's all about siblings and I was an only child.


  1. A life story in five sentences... I like how you did yours. it took a turn for really deep :)

  2. I would love to go to Australia and maybe Greece. Otherwise, I'd rather stay in the United States and travel all around.

  3. I enjoyed your April Challenge catch-up and look forward to you joining the Medley next week!!


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