April 11, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Joining in with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to share the blessings on this Thankful Thursday!

This week I am thankful...

* for how well my friend is doing following the death of her husband. Family and friends have surrounded her and loved her through it along with her faith and the blessing of the huge crowds that came out to say goodbye because he had touched their lives in some positive way.

* for a great day this past Saturday. I got to spend the morning with my mom at a charity auction. I got some pretty cool stuff and the local youth network got $31 from me.  In the afternoon there was the fun of watching Colton gather eggs at the nursing home's annual Easter egg hunt. So many eggs and so many prizes! My co-workers did a great job and Colton had a blast.

* that my Rhema family (bible study group) has had a good week even though I was unable to be with them. I missed a dinner on Monday evening because I was at the funeral home and I missed class on Tuesday because I went with Tim to his first ever appointment with an eye doctor! I spoke to my friend, who is our teacher (along with her husband), and she said they spent Tuesday evening trying to help one member through something. The one being helped did not respond, which is sad, but she said the growth and spiritual maturity the others showed was such a blessing to her and her husband. I am glad for the growth and their blessing.

You read that right. He's 58 and that was the first time he's ever had a regular eye exam. His distance vision isn't that bad, but his up close vision is. The little bit of trouble with his distance vision is most noticeable when he drives at night so he really needs to have the correction. He's going right into bifocals. I can't wait to see his reaction when he puts them on the first time and sees the world clearly.

* for Salon pas patches. I know I've mentioned them before, but I don't think I could get through some days at work without them.

* that our taxes are nearly done and it looks like we may get a refund! That is huge. We haven't gotten a refund or broke even in years. I am so happy! I don't even care about getting money back, I'm just so glad we may not have to pay.

* for fresh corn on the cob. In April. I don't know where it came from, but there it was at the grocery store. Soooooo yummy!

* for God's mercy. As I watched my friend cope with losing her husband far too soon and thought of things others have been through and realized that my family has been spared. We have deaths and losses, of course, but nothing really tragic or unexpected. I don't know why God has protected us this far, but I am beyond thankful for it.

* as always, for each one of you!

Have a blessed and joyous day!


  1. You always post such thoughtful thankful posts! God is good all the time!

  2. I think that now with my daddy's passing ... I have to stop & be thankful that I made it 46 years with both of my parents with me... I hear of some awful stories of children loosing their parents so young. Its a shift in focus, isn't it? ... I'm so sorry to hear of your friends loss though.
    OH MAN - we still have to get our taxes done too... we have an appt Saturday - the 13th - nothing like cutting it close.

  3. Fresh corn sounds so yummy! Glad Colton enjoyed his Easter egg hunt. I think my Colton is going to one, maybe this weekend.


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