February 24, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Compassion Questions

These are suggested questions for sponsors of children through Compassion International to ask their sponsored children.

1. What is the most fun thing you have ever done?  Perhaps one of the most fun was the first time Tim and I went to Disney World. We went there back in 1984, just after we were married. The Magic Kingdom sure seemed magical to me and I don't know that I've ever been filled with as much anticipation as I was that first morning, standing against the rope that held the crowd back at the entrance to Main Street. I was just 20 years old and I was as excited as any kid. We had so much fun that day!

2. Are you left-handed or right-handed?  I do everything right-handed, though I started out tending to use my left. Between school and my dad, I was "discouraged" from using my left hand.

3. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?  My husband has always and unconditionally supported and believed in me. I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever done.

4. What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild?  An elk or an alligator...not sure how to figure which of the two was larger.

5. What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild?  A baby mole we once dug up in the garden.

6. Do you ever have funny dreams at night?  I don't recall ever having had a funny dream.

7. If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?  There would be term limits for all elected government offices, not just the president.

8. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?  Rest and read. Since no one could see me, no one would bother me. That would be nice just for one day. So, I guess that would basically mean I'd hide.

9. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?  Someone with the power to help a lot of people...otherwise I'll just stay who I am, thanks.

10. What would you like to change about yourself?  I would like to lose this extra weight and it'd sure be nice to be free of arthritis, plantar fasciitis, bone spurs and all the rest of the aches and pains of getting older.

11. What is your daily routine.  Other than going to work, I don't really have a set routine. I probably should. Life would be a lot more organized if I did.

12. What would your perfect day be like?  All of my family...Tim, my mom and stepdad, the kids and their spouses, the grandkids...would be together doing something fun...a picnic at a lake, the zoo, an amusement park...and for once everyone would get along, be nice to each other, and truly enjoy each other's company and we'd just have fun.

13. How old were you when you learned to read?  Around 5, I think. I can't really remember not knowing how.

14. What is the most interesting thing you know?  That Jesus Christ is the risen, living Son of God and my Lord and Savior. It is what makes sense of everything else in this life.

15. What makes you nervous?  The thought of ever being placed in a nursing home. Enough happens, even in good ones, that I don't ever want to be in one.

16. What is your favourite flower?  I like lots of flowers, but my favorites are sunflowers, zinnias, and hollyhocks.

17. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?  Oh my yes, lots of times on horses, but also a mule, a camel, and an elephant.

18. What time do you go to bed?  Usually later than I should because I don't want to be lying in bed wide awake long before the alarm goes off. So, rarely before 11:30.

19. What time do you get up?  Some mornings I wake up when Tim is up and getting ready for work (4:00-ish). On a good day, I sleep until close to 6:00.

20. Do you know how to swim?  I do. I took swimming lessons as a child. I think my mom wanted to make sure I didn't have her fear of the water.

Well, those were some interesting and fun questions...a few really made me think! Thanks to our hostess Bev for coming up with the list for another week. Be sure to visit the Sunday Stealing site to join in the fun!


  1. Interesting questions and answers. I'm a person who can't seem to sleep past 4:00 a.m. Then I crash and have to nap in the afternoon. I wish I could sleep through a night. I like the most interesting thing you know. That's the most interesting thing I know too. Have a great Sunday!

  2. I like your comment to #9! Have great day!!

  3. Disney World was so much fun. Such a great vacation and yes, it is absolutely magical. We went there on our honeymoon and then took Josh back on the vacation I wrote about. It was even more magical with Josh along.
    Loved your answers! Have a great day!


  4. I wanna ride a camel!

    I was visiting Disneyland in 1981, when Diana married Charles. That whole week was other worldly. Getting up at dawn to watch the fairytale wedding, then going to the Magic Kingdom. The real world was so disappointing after that. (Apparently Diana felt the same.)

  5. Great responses, Stacy. In particular, I like #7 and #9. Your recollections of Disneyworld make me smile, remembering a similar trip back in '77.

  6. I drew a blank for #9 but your answer is great!

  7. I love your answer on #8 and man, do I feel your pain in #10.. Older age can get pretty rough!!!

  8. I especially liked your answer to #7. Couldn't agree more! These really were fun questions! I enjoyed your answers, Stacy!

  9. I agree to term limits for all offices. Riding an elephant? Stacy!

  10. It's weird how someone decided that left is bad and right is good. That someone seriously cared which hand a person uses and made it into such a big deal that people still, today, in 2019, are altering children's preference.

    I wrote a horror story in December about a woman who committed murder to avoid a nursing home.


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