January 23, 2019

Wednesday Medley: Pie Day


It's Hump Day, and to celebrate being halfway through the week I'm linking up with Terri @ Your Friend From Florida for her Wednesday Medley. Please pay her a visit to join in the fun.


National Pie Day is celebrated annually on January 23rd. (Not to be confused with March 14 which is PI π Day.) 
National Pie Day was created simply to celebrate the pie.  It is a day for all to bake or cook their favorite pies.  Even more importantly, it is a day set aside for all to enjoy eating pies!
The first pies appeared around 9500 BC in the Egyptian Neolithic period or New Stone Age.
1.  Okay, fess up.  Tell us your top three favorite pies, please.  Will you have some pie today?  No, I won't be having pie today. I'm not that big on pie. It's just okay to me. I do have favorites, though....strawberry/rhubarb, key lime, and peach.
2.  While we are talking about food... are you a picky eater or are you ready to try almost any new food?  What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?  No, I'm not generally picky and will at least try just about anything. The worst thing I've ever eaten? Eggplant. I just do not like the stuff no matter how it's prepared.
3.  Baking could be considered an art as could cooking.  How do you define art? Art is an outlet for creativity and I suppose there really should be some emotional response to it.
4.  Tell us a really stupid joke that made you laugh, please.

5.  January 23rd is also National Handwriting Day. Do you have nice handwriting? Did cursive writing come naturally or did you practice in those double-lined practice books until your fingers hurt?

I remember practicing in those horrid books back in the day. Over and over with those weird blue pencils. It never seemed like I did it well enough to please my teacher. My handwriting turned out okay, though. I used to get a lot of compliments on it, but it's a skill that I rarely use these days so I don't think it looks as good as it used to. My hand doesn't want to move in the same ways. I'm glad I learned, though, today's kids don't and it shows. They can't even print neat, let alone write in cursive. Many of them can't even read it. Good news! We have our own secret code! LOL

6.  Tell us something random about your week.  I'm sitting here in the dark typing my answers this morning because Megan and Colton are sleeping on the living room floor. She called at 11:00 last night and woke us up to ask if they could. She said there were weird noises coming from the basement and her anxiety makes her magnify everything. She sleeps here at least a few times every month. I really hope her husband gets to switch to daylight shift. That will be so much better for everyone.


  1. How nice that you allow her to come over when there are scary noises in her house.


    1. Yes, she lives nextdoor so it's nice that we're here for her and her family and they are there for us.

  2. Yes.. hopefully her hubby can switch shifts. Once I'm woken up I can't get back to sleep. Have a great week.

    1. Same here and lately I've turned into one of those people who can't turn off their brain and fall asleep to begin with. I am constantly sleep deprived.

  3. I used to think Gregg shorthand was my generation's secret code, but cursive's right up there! I wonder what happens when kids are tasked with reading the Declaration of Independence. Geeze.

    1. Shorthand would probably be the equivalent of hieroglyphics to them! I don't remember how to do it, but at least I'd recognize it. When I Googled for a picture there were a LOT about them not being able to read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. We are doomed.

  4. When I worked in the library I would have kids fill out the forms for library cards and asked them to sign their names in cursive. They looked at me blankly and said they didn't know how. One time a kid asked me to read him a note his mom wrote for him (a book he was supposed to pick up for her) because he couldn't read cursive. It's a sad state of affairs.

    As for pie, I'd rather have a pie than a cake. My step-father felt the same way and we always gave him a pie for his birthday instead of a cake.

    1. My kids can at least read my handwriting...I'm not sure if they can read anyone else's.
      My niece and her husband don't like cake so for their wedding they had an assortment of pies instead.

  5. I loved your answer to #3, I agree! Hope you're having a good day.

  6. I like that growing obsolete together!!! I certainly feel that way sometimes in the conversations with younger people. Bless your daughter's heart. So good that you are there for her. I don't like noises in the night either.

    1. You and me both! I used to fret over every little noise, but somewhere along the way I left it behind.

  7. I cant wait to share your joke with my nieces...HA! Have a great day!

  8. I need to tell that joke when we do Pirate and Princess day! That is awesome!
    Don't you just love anxiety. :( I totally get it.
    You reminded me of another pie I love! PEACH! I am a huge pie fan though. I enjoyed your answers! Happy Wednesday!


    1. Ha! Sarcasm. Yeah...I just love anxiety. Actually, I seriously worry how she is going to manage when I'm not here to hold her hand some day.

  9. Cute joke! I had to share with Joe and he laughed! Thanks so much for joining in today! My Joe hates eggplant too and I must admit I would just as soon not eat it. I love the Geico camel commercial! So fun seeing it on TV again!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Terri! It sounds like Joe and I would get along pretty well...bad jokes and no eggplant!


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