January 8, 2019

10 Things Sloshing Around in My Brain on this Tuesday

1.  The Alabama High School Athletic Association should hang its head in shame for what it is doing to high school basketball star, Maori Davenport. If you aren't familiar with the story, read it here. They are being ridiculous and unreasonable. They are punishing a girl who did nothing wrong and in fact, seemed to do everything right. This is a case of adults failing a girl in a major way. I hope the AHSAA finds itself under so much criticism and pressure that they reverse their decision.

2.  Sort of holding my breath at every little twinge or strange feeling. I worked yesterday and.....ugh! it was awful! I was the only activities person there until afternoon because the others were off sick. Sick with whatever bug they caught from the residents at the home. I spent the day wearing a mask, washing and sanitizing my hands repeatedly (at my boss's directive) and scrubbing and sterilizing all the things we use like the bingo game and other games, because nearly HALF of the residents are sick in bed with some nasty intestinal bug. All activities were cancelled in the effort to keep the residents separated and keep them from passing the bug.

3.  If Megan doesn't get Colton over here for me to watch pretty soon, she's going to have to wait for another day. I have things to do this afternoon and evening.

4.  My Bible study group is getting together tonight. Hooray! It's the first time since before the holidays. I have missed everyone and the great digging into the Word that we do. I'm pretty bummed that I'll be missing it twice this month because of work.

5.  Wondering if I will hear from the company I sent a resume to.

6.  The new hire at work didn't show up again yesterday. She didn't call off sick, either. Me thinks she's never going to. I wonder what's going on with the second one my boss said she hired?  I'm kind of tired of spending all my time in the dementia unit and getting all the crap shifts because there are only two of us trained to work in there at the moment.

7.  I'm liking Alexa even though I haven't learned all that much to do with her yet. I love being able to tell her to put something on my shopping list or to play music, tell me a joke, or give the weather. She will even say hello to people when I tell her to or sing "Happy Birthday." I did see there is a smart thermostat that she can control....I want that!

8.  It's 52 degrees outside. It's supposed to hit 56 this afternoon with thunderstorms. Tonight it's going to start cooling off. By the end of the week we'll be looking at high temps in the 20s. Yea. Color me excited.

9.  I really need to get busy and start cleaning up the mess that's left behind after packing up the Christmas stuff.

10.  I wonder what Trump will have to say tonight? I'm going to miss it. Oh well, I'm sure it will be dissected to death and beyond tomorrow.

Have an awesome Tuesday my friends!


  1. I have Alexa too and I have no idea what to make her do...she mostly just listens to me talking to my cats! HA! Someone said I can ask her to play Jeopardy-I will try that this week sometime. Sorry work is such a hassle right now...sucks to be one of the few that are able to do your job. Hopefully the new girl will start someday soon! Have a great rest of your week Stacy!

    1. She can play Jeopardy? Oh, I'm going to have to find out about that!
      Thanks for the good thoughts about work.

  2. Ricky had Alexa sing happy birthday to me since he doesnt sing :) haha
    OH MY GOSH - see, that's why I could never work in a facility like that - that just freaks me out knowing its like a germ fest - people sick everywhere? I'd wear a hazmat suit to work - seriously!

    1. That is sooooo how I felt on Monday. I was sure I could just feel the cooties invading my body. Yesterday I was sure I was getting sick, but it seems it was just one of those "off" days. Thank goodness!

  3. I love my Alexa, too! She reads my Audible audiobooks. :)

    1. I was looking at that feature. Do I have to have another subscription to get the books?

  4. I'm with you on #10. We love Alexa! We use it most for music and to play Ocean Sounds at night for us (Alexa, loop on). Keeping you in prayer, Stacy, for peace in your current job and success in finding another!! Hugs!

  5. I remember you talking about it when you first got your Alexa. See, I didn't know she could play sounds at night. We would probably like that, too.


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