December 29, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Linking up with our hostess, Bev, and the rest of the theives for some Sunday Stealing fun!

Stolen from Strawberry Lollipop Kisses.
1. Are flowers a nice gift to give someone?  Yes, if they like them. I know many who don't and many more who are either allergic or sensitive to the perfume of them.

2. Do you wear any jewelry?  Most days I wear only my wedding ring and a pair of earrings. When I dress up a little to go out I will often add another ring, a necklace or bracelet, and earrings for all the holes in my ears.

3. Have you ever laid in a field of flowers?  I don't remember doing so, but I was an outdoorsy girl growing up, so it's possible that I did.

4. Do you like tea?  Yes, I do. I will drink plain black tea once in a while, but I prefer flavored herbal varieties.

5. What would you do with a million dollars?  Pay off all of our debt, add a room onto the house, do a wee bit of remodeling, give something to my favorite charities, and bank the rest.

6. What word do you have trouble saying?  Irish wristwatch. Go ahead, try it. Say it normally, not slowly and carefully.

7. Favorite fairytale?  I suppose Snow White or Cinderella because I am most familiar with them.

8. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?  Only if the Poodle overeats.

9. Do you prefer the city or the country?  The city is a nice place to visit, but I am a country girl at heart.

10. Are you a big fan of makeup?  On me? Not particularly. I usually just use a little foundation or primer, blush, and a swipe of mascara.

11. Favorite drink?  Diet Coke

12. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve stayed awake?  I think it was about 3 days back when I was a teenager.

13. Have you ever traveled outside of your country?  Only to Canada.

14. Do you like spring?  I do like that the days begin to get longer, the temperatures start to warm up, and the earth begins to come back to life....but I absolutely HAAAAATE all the rain and mud. Because we get so much of it, spring is actually behind winter in the favorite season category.

15. Lipstick or lip gloss?  Gloss. I never think I look right in lipstick.

16. Favorite color?  Earthy colors like pumpkin orange, sage or mossy green, gold, and brown.

17. Do you like to decorate?  I used to, but I'm not so interested these days. I guess there are just too many other things I'd rather spend my time on.

18. Do you ever go barefoot when you’re outside?  When the weather is warm, but otherwise no, because my feet get cold easily and then the rest of me gets cold or I get leg cramps.

19. Are aliens real?  I imagine there is some kind of life somewhere else in this vast universe, but what that life may look like and how advanced it is, is up for a lot of debate.

20. Does you zodiac sign fit your personality?  I suppose some of it does, but maybe that's just because I like to think the good parts do. I don't believe in astrology at all, to be honest.

21.Favorite sea animal?  I don't know if I can choose between mammals like seals, sea lions, and walruses and the delicate little sea horse.

22. Are you a nice person?  I hope so. I try to be.

23. Favorite word?  I always hate this question. How do I choose one favorite word out of an entire language...when words, reading, and writing...have always been my "thing?"

24. Night or day?  I guess night since I seem to stay up late most nights.

25. What would make you happy right now?  I don't need anything else. I am happy right now.


  1. I agree with your comments on flowers as a gift. My thoughts exactly! :)

    1. You have to be careful these many have allergies!

  2. Oh, I love 'Irish Wristwatch" That is awesome. Adding that to the arsenal.

    1. When I drove a school bus I'd use that one on the kids. It always kept them busy for a while.

  3. I feel the same way about lipstick. I never wear it.
    Little sea horses are so cute. My Granie must have liked them too, she had them hanging on her wall outside the bathroom. I loved your answers! Happy New Year!

    1. I don't know what it is. I like how lipstick looks on everyone else, but I put it on and think, "blech!"

  4. I wish I could wear primer, but it makes me break out. Maybe I tried the wrong kind ...

    Leg cramps! I just started getting them this month! I'm sorry you suffer them, too, but I'm glad I'm not alone.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Leg cramps are awful, but I've recently discovered that drinking a big Gatorade in the evenings tends to help when I'm in a cycle of getting them.

  5. Irish Wristwatch … that's a hoot! (I even had to refrain from muttering it aloud in church this morning.) I once had a co-worker who claimed part of the test for radio announcers was having to quickly pronounce tongue twisters like that. His example: "Red leather, yellow leather." (Over and over and over again.)

    1. LOL-ing, picturing you muttering "irish wristwatch" over and over in church.

  6. I stopped wearing makeup when I started wearing glasses--my eyelashes brush my lenses and smear all over.

    1. You must be blessed with great eyelashes. I've never had that problem!

  7. Your #8 made me chuckle!! Fun questions and I enjoyed your answers!! On to the new year!!

  8. You're right, Irish wristwatch is hard to say. Good one.


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