December 28, 2018

Saturday 9: Winter Wonderland

Saturday 9: Winter Wonderland (1968)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the last Saturday 9 of 2018! Thanks for a great year, everyone.

1) This is an unconventional take on an old familiar song. Over the holidays, do you prefer traditional carols? Or do you like to mix it up with with more contemporary fare?  I listen to a lot of different types of music and that goes for Christmas music, too. I like most of it.

2) Now that Christmas is behind us, are you enjoying a relaxing week? Or do you have socializing/celebrating/chores to do?  Nope, not a relaxing week. I worked on Christmas and all the rest of the week. I'm off over the weekend and tomorrow (Saturday) is our family Christmas. We've all had our big ham dinners so I'm ordering pizzas and relaxing and having fun right along with the rest of them!

3) Winter is a time for cocooning. What book or movie did you enjoy in 2018 that you would recommend to your fellow Saturday 9-ers?  Paul, Apostle of Christ was an intense look at first century Christianity. Everyone should see it.

4)  Looking back on the past year, what was one of your happiest moments?  Any of the many, many moments spent with our littlest grandson. He brings so much joy to my life.

5)  What was the smartest thing you did all this past year?  Leaving the school bus behind to accept a job at a nursing home.

6)  As 2018 comes to a close, what are you most grateful for?  Man....I'm not the richest person, or the smartest, or the most talented, or the prettiest. My house isn't the biggest one, nor does it look like the pages of a decorating magazine. And yet, I am blessed beyond measure. My cup runneth over. I am grateful for all of it! Every moment and every detail of this sometimes crazy, sometimes messed up, sometimes boring ride called life.

7) This week's featured artist is Herb Alpert. Because of the style he popularized and the name of his band, people assume he's Hispanic. Yet his parents were Jewish immigrants from Romania. What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you?  Maybe that if I'm pushed hard enough or far enough or if I'm angered enough on behalf of someone else...I can be a force you don't want to run up against. I've worked very hard to be calm, peaceful, diplomatic, kind, nice, etc., but I do have my limits.

8) He performed an instrumental version of "The Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XXII. How did your favorite sports teams do in 2018?  Not so good. The Steelers need some other teams to lose this weekend and some others to lose in order to make it to the playoffs.
9) Random question: When did you last check your social media feed?  A couple of hours ago.

If you thought this was fun, please visit the Saturday 9 site for the questions and the rules, and join in with us!


  1. Wow! Go away for a few weeks and and all heck breaks loose. I’m glad you have a different and hopefully a better job. A human back can only stand so much pounding. Truck drivers have so much trouble with their backs.
    Wishing you a wonderful New Years. One of enjoying many cuddles with you sweet grandson. Happy New Year Stacy. 🎊🎉🥂🍾

    1. LOL...I have experienced that going away for a while and coming back to find out everything has changed.
      Thank you, the new job is better. There are still aspects I don't like (such as working on Christmas Day), but it is challenging and I like that I'm doing something to improve the quality of someone's life. I am in activities in a nursing home. About 2/3 of my time is spent in the dementia unit where I'm a theraputic aide which is a lot more involved than just activities.
      Not too many cuddles today as he was too excited about playing with his older cousins, but it was a good day. A very good day.
      Happy New Year to you, too, Zippi!

  2. Your answer to #6 was so wise and lovely. Happy New Year!

    1. Why,thank you! I can't say I feel terribly wise very often. LOL
      Happy New Year, to you!

  3. #7 I like the words of poet John Dryden "Beware the Fury of a Patient Man."
    I also try to be a peacemaker and not hold grudges, it takes a lot to get me mad

    1. That sums it up pretty well. When a patient person hits the breaking point, it's going to be BAD.

  4. Pizza is a super idea … be present! I love your response to #6!

    1. It was perfect! We were all able to relax and enjoy each other's company and have fun. No fussing with a big dinner. We used throw-away plates and cups so clean up was a breeze. I am feeling relaxed and content.

  5. I love that you ordered pizza! What a great idea! We had my husband's family Christmas today and my mother-in-law made a huge breakfast for everyone. It was yummy, but I am sure it was a lot to get together. Happy New Year! I loved your answers!

    1. Thanks, Lori! I had thought about doing something really simple like spaghetti or a roast in the crock pot, but there would still have been work and fussing. The pizza just could not have worked out any better.

  6. Pizza sounds great for your next family get-together! Fun questions today and I enjoyed your answers. Loved your answer to #6.

  7. I was wondering if you were still driving that school bus. I bet you are happy to not have to drive it in weather now that you have moved on.

  8. I am sorry you worked Christmas Day but salute you for doing it because you were caring for others and that's a great gift. I have spent many a holiday alone while my husband was at the fire department but I honor his commitment and service to our community. You are indeed a wise woman, whether you know it or not.


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