December 22, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Year End Reflections

I have to work on Sunday so I'm getting Sunday Stealing done tonight. I hope to have time to get around to visit tomorrow evening, but there is much to do with my last hours before Christmas. Since I also have to work on Christmas Day, I need to get my wrapping and cooking done before then so I can go straight to our daughter's home after work. If I don't get around, I wish you all the very merriest of Christmases!

This from our hostess, Bev:

This isn't stolen from anywhere in particular, but it is a questionnaire I have tried to answer each year....maybe it originated with Sunday Stealing; I don't know.  But maybe you'd like to look back on 2018 as well.

What did you do last year that you had not done before?  I gave up driving a school bus after 16 years and took a job in the activities department of a nursing home. My time is split pretty evenly between the regular residents and the dementia residents. It feels good to know I'm doing something to make a difference in their quality of life.

Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions/goals for the year and will you make/set more for next year? What are they? What are your new ones?  I didn't make any last year and I'm undecided about this year. I'll most likely start out with some good intentions, but formal resolutions kind of set you up to disappoint yourself and feel bad. Who needs that?

Did anyone you know give birth? Or become pregnant? Or adopt?  Yes, our daughter announced just this month that she is pregnant again.

Did anyone you know die? Or have a serious illness/injury?  Lots of people I knew died this year, though none of them were very close. I suppose the one that touched me the most just happened this past Thursday. The husband of a young woman I once took on a mission trip lost her husband in a coal mining accident. She is left alone with 3 young children. It is so sad and a reminder to make the most of this life, forgive and mend relationships, and be sure we have our relationship with Jesus in order because we are not promised tomorrow...we are not even promised the next 5 minutes!  Thankfully, there were no serious illnesses or injuries that I can think of.

What places have you visited? Other than a weekend in Erie this fall, we didn't go anywhere this year. Tim was always too busy at work.

Any new pets? Lost a pet?  No. We lost our Elvis just before Christmas last year and with my work hours it just wouldn't be fair to a puppy....and I have enough guilt about leaving Daisy all day.

What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year (doesn't have to be a physical thing i.e. love, job security, peace of mind...)? Tim's health restored so we could actually have a bit of a life beyond work and sitting at home.

What date from last year will remain etched in your memory and why? I can't think of anything that stood out.

What was your biggest achievement last year?  Making the decision to leave bus driving behind and go out in a totally new direction at 54 years old.

Did you get sick or injured?  I messed up my foot at the end of June and had to wear a brace for the rest of the summer.

What was the best thing you bought? Probably the new sofa I bought at Thanksgiving.

Where did most of your disposable income go (money leftover after you pay for food, medical care, basic clothing, transportation and shelter)? I'd have to say to bailing our daughter and her husband out of tight spots.

What song will always remind you of last year?  Doesn't have to be a song released last year.  K.C. and the Sunshine Band's I'm Your Boogie Man. I call Colton my little Boogie Man and I played this for him over the summer on YouTube and he just loved it.

(I tried to insert the video but Blogger kept sticking it up at the top.)
What do you wish you would have done more of?  Pretty much anything fun and out of the house.

What do you wish you would have done less of?  Honestly? All things social media related.

What was your favorite new TV program? Movie? Album/Songs? Or if you didn't pick up any new ones, what are you still watching/listening to? Any recommendations?  The only new thing that has really caught my attention is A Million Little Things. Loooooove that show!

What was the best book you read this year?  Probably Bear Town, but maybe A Man Called Ove. How many did you read? More than I have listed either here or on Goodreads. I've gotten behind on listing the books since I started my new job.

What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? My birthday was on a weekday so I don't think I did anything. I turned 54 this year. Did you feel differently? No, can't say that I did.

What political or social issue stirred you the most? There were many, but let's just skip over this to preserve the peace.

Who was the most interesting new person you met?  I've met so many interesting people at the nursing home. Every resident has a story and many of them are fascinating. One standout is a woman, nearly 100, and a multi-millionaire. She is also a Ph.D. of educational psychology. She is brilliant and a joy to talk to.

What changed at your job?  Uh, the entire job changed! Since then, though, it's been having several girls quitting in a very short time span and the crap shifts I've been working and will continue to work for the time being.

What changed in your home? It wasn't the bathroom. Sigh. I may "hire" our niece and her husband to finish all the tile after Christmas.

Describe how a relationship changed. There is a woman in my Bible study group who is in a terrible marriage and can't get out of it because if she leaves, she will have to pay her husband child support. She drove me absolutely nuts. EVERYthing was all about her. She was very OCD and rehashed everything over and over. She was cold, rigid, and very judgemental and holier-than-thou. She monopolized every conversation and discussion and if three women were together with her being one, one person would be left out because she just couldn't talk to two people at the same time. I could not stand being around her. Then came the class I led on the fruit of the Spirit this summer. It hit her hard. She cried a lot during those 6 weeks and ended up being transformed completely. We are good friends and sisters at heart now.

Do you think you are still the same person that you were at the beginning of the year?  How so?  No, not at all. I think I'm a much kinder, softer person myself after the above experience and also because of working at the nursing home. That has opened my heart clear down to parts I thought were carefully dead and buried.

Summarize the year in three words or less. Bonus points for doing it in one word. Explain. Challenging. Friends challenged me. Work challenged me. God challenged me. I challenged myself. It was a year of growth and leaving my comfort zone.

How have people around you changed?  Except for the above mentioned friend, I don't think they have. My husband is still a workaholic. My daughter is still plagued by anxiety, depression, and the need for attention. My son is still distant.

What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)  I am stronger than I think and I can do anything I put my mind to.

What was your favorite outfit for warm weather? I don't think I had one. I just lived in t-shirts and capris. Cooler weather? I really like the tunics and leggings I wear for work and I got to wear a new green velvet tunic last night. I think it is now my favorite piece of clothing. Soooo soft and comfy!

Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favorite thing you made?  I guess I learned a few little things...nothing big or exciting...just enough to get me through crafts with the residents. Oh, and it's not exactly a craft, but it is creative...I got hooked on The Happy Planner.

What changed about your physical appearance? (Hair? Wrinkles? New makeup style? Etc)  I cut my hair shorter than it's been in about 10 years. I've toned up some from all the walking at work. The gray hair seems to grow back more quickly. Oh, and I have pretty much given up on cute shoes and embraced comfortable shoes velcro yet, though.

What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance)  Well, as always, I hope that Tim will let up on work and allow time for doing more in life. And now I add to the hope that I find my own balance and routine for work and home so I don't feel like I'm so caught up in the rat race.


  1. Know that the loved ones of the people you work with are so grateful to you. My life has been much more relaxed since my mother moved into the memory unit and I know she has more social interaction and closer observation.

  2. My dad was in a nursing home with his alzheimer's. You have an amazing job and make such a difference in so many people's lives! I am still facebook friends with one of his caregivers. They did such an amazing job and I know you do too! You also sound so much happier in this job and I am so happy for you!
    My husband works all of the time too. We never really go anywhere. Have a very Merry Christmas! Loved your answers!

  3. I, too, wish Tom had better mobility so we might go and do. I'm praying that Tim's being young enough, he can fully recover. I love your 3-word answer. Actually, I love this whole Q&A. I don't make resolutions, but would love to have a heart such as yours. Merry Christmas!

  4. A new grandbaby! Wowza. That is exciting. And I know you're doing fabulous in your new job even though I'm sure it has been quite a change for you. You have done well! Merry Christmas to you; I hope you have a good one.

  5. I enjoyed your post, Stacy. Keeping you in my prayers!! We both answered the political question the same! LOL Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


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