December 7, 2018

Saturday 9: I'm Gonna Put Some Glue 'Round the Christmas Tree (So Santa Will Stick Around All Year)

It's time for the Saturday 9 again. If you'd like to play along, please link up here.

Saturday 9: I'm Gonna Put Some Glue 'Round the Christmas Tree (So Santa Will Stick Around All Year) (1954)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured songstress, Peggy King, sings that she'd like to extend the Christmas season all year. How about you? Do you wish the season was longer? Shorter? Or do you think things are fine as they are?  I certainly think we should extend the goodwill of the season to last all year long, but all the hoopla that goes along with it in our world? From Thanksgiving weekend (AFTER Thanksgiving is over) through New Years Day is plenty of Christmas. The real reason for the season gets lost in all the lights, decorations, shopping, and entertainment.

2) She specifically mentions toys. Have you purchased/will you purchase any toys as holiday gifts this year?  We have three grandchildren so toys are definitely on my shopping list. The oldest, a girl, is just starting to age out of toys. She is getting a sewing machine from her parents, so I am filling a sewing basket with supplies. She also likes arts and crafts so there'll be plenty of that, too. The boys still get toys, though. Legos for one and anything Paw Patrol or Mickey Mouse for the littlest one. 

3) Search for "glue" on The Home Depot's website and you'll get more than 3,000 results. There's heavy-duty adhesives, all-purpose glue, clear epoxy, wood glue, and more. Do you currently have glue in your home? If yes, how many kinds?  With a husband who is a handy jack-of-all-trades who works in construction...all of the above. If you need to glue something I can almost guarantee we have the glue for the job.

4) What's the last thing you used glue for?  I had Tim glue a couple of Christmas decorations for me when I was decorating. He used Gorilla Glue. If you're asking about the last time I personally put glue on something, the answer is that I use glue sticks nearly every day. I journal daily and like to embellish the pages with magazine clippings, stickers, or whatever.

5) This week's featured artist, Peggy King, was a TV staple in the 1950s. With her perpetually upbeat persona, she was known as "Pretty, Perky Peggy King." Do you consider yourself upbeat, aka "perky?"  No. I do try to be positive as much as I can, but I don't think you can call me "perky." I'm good with that....the terminally perky tend to annoy people after a while.
6) Ms. King got her start singing radio jingles for Hunt's tomato sauce. Prepared tomato sauce, properly stored, can safely be kept in the refrigerator for days. Do you have any leftovers in your refrigerator right now?  Yes, by some quirk of fate, I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner last night and there is some of that in the fridge.

7) Her biggest movie role was in Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955). Do you watch scary movies and shows all year around? Only at Halloween? Or not at all?  I like campy, silly "scary" stuff like Abbott and Costello. Meet the Mummy is one of my all-time favorites. I'll watch stuff like that at any time of year, but as for the creepy, violent, scare-you-out-of-your-wits stuff...I don't like it and never watch it if I can help it.

8) In 1954, the year this record was released, President Eisenhower dedicated the Marine Corps. Iwo Jima Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, just outside of Washington DC. If you were to play tourist in our nation's capital, what site would you be certain to visit? Arlington, all the monuments to presidents and veterans, and the Smithsonian. Oh, and the Library of Congress since I've never been there.

9) Random question: Which of these common household items would you miss most if it suddenly went on the fritz -- your bedside lamp or your hair dryer?   My bedside lamp hasn't been plugged in for years and I don't dry my hair with a dryer so I wouldn't miss either one.


  1. Hi Stacy! My husband does commercial construction, so he has all kinds of weird stuff around. I am not sure what all is here. hahahha
    Oh my word...campy! My son says that all of the time. He tells me what it means too, but I do not remember. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

    1. My husband is in commercial construction, too, so yes...all kinds of stuff stashed all over the place. Somebody's going to have a "fun" time sorting it all out one day. lol
      Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. You know, spaghetti and meatballs is practically the perfect food. Easy to make, easy to store, easy to reheat. (And maybe reheat again, if you made way too much.)

  3. Years ago I broke a fingernail right before an important meeting -- and tried repairing it with Crazy Glue. Unfortunately, the cap wouldn't give so I gripped it between my teeth. Ya, what a mess. So far, I've succeeded in never going near Crazy Glue again!

  4. I agree with your #7. Fun questions today and good answers! We had spaghetti and sausage this week! Good stuff!

  5. I love that whole sewing theme for a gift idea. She will get a lot out of that and for a long time.


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