November 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Joining with the sweet Rebecca Jo and the rest of the feeling thankful crowd over at Knit By God's Hand today. So much to be thankful for!

This week I am thankful...

** only 2 more days to go to the weekend. I'm looking forward to the time off.

** for a fun dinner out on Monday with my boss and another coworker that allowed me to get to know my boss better on a personal level.

** for all the rain. Really. It means we don't have to worry about a drought as so many do.

** Tim is being more aggressive than usual in trying to find out why he's feeling so awful these days. He got more blood work done because when he called the doctor again, they said there were some "things" going on with the last round. We don't know what "things" but he has an appointment for Monday. It would be nice to have some answers in the short term or long term.

** that while our son and his wife have made the decision to pull their daughter out of school and home-school her again (something about bullying on the bus and/or her being bored at school) that they are not completely shutting the door and are leaving the possibility of her returning next year when her brother is old enough to go, too.

** President Trump and his family showed class when they visited Pittsburgh this week to show sympathy to those affected by the shootings at the Tree of Life Synagogue. They set aside politics. The same can't be said for Pittsburgh's mayor, PA's governor, and other government officials who refused to meet the President's plane or meet with him at all. It can't be said for the thousands who clogged the streets around the synagogue to protest Trump and his border policies, either.

** Mom's x-rays were clear so nothing is wrong there, though now we don't have any answers about why she still isn't feeling well. She has to get a stress test and some other tests done on her heart next.

** for the show A Million Little Things. It's so sad all the time, but it is so good!! It is my only must-see TV this year.

** Halloween and its dark, spiritual undertones is over. Let the thankfulness begin.

** Tim said the other day that he is planning to cut back a bit on his hours at work in December. That is huge for my workaholic hubby!

** for my Merrell clogs which are without doubt the most comfortable shoes ever. I'm excited to see Merrell has more selections with the Q-form sole this year so I'm planning to get a couple more pairs....cause fleece-lined suede doesn't exactly go with everything.

** as always, for each one of you!

Have a blessed and joyful day!


  1. I love you and your blog Stacy and do not want to get into politics but I beg to differ on one count Stacy...Pittsburgh is my city - I love it and we support each other here and show grace and love to all Pittsburghers! The city was built on the premise of a melting pot so we do not see race, religion, politics, etc. We see souls and friends. The president showing class would have been NOT coming when he is asked NOT to come. He just does what he wants no matter what. He was asked politely not to come and he came anyway. Class would have been staying away until Pittsburgh felt the time was right. This is my city...I was not protesting anything but I do not agree AT ALL that he showed class. When you are asked to stay away; stay away. It was a time for Pittsburghers to come together and mourn - he has NEVER represented "coming together". Sorry, again I love you and your blog but I could not NOT comment as Pittsburgh is my home!

    1. I love you, too, Ann and I don't mind you commenting. We all have different opinions and have had them for years...yet still got along. I hate how our political views now seem to end friendships and divide families. You won't see that from me. It won't keep me from having my opinion, but I respect your right to yours, too. :)

  2. I'm needing some new shoes, so I think I'll check out those Merrell clogs. Love hearing when people really like a pair of shoes because I have so much trouble finding really good comfortable shoes. I'll let you know if I end up getting some.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. You really need to find a place that sells them and try them on so you can see how they feel. They have other shoes besides clogs, too. It's the Q-form sole that is the important part. My friend, who is also a podiatrist, recommends Merrill's for good foot support.

  3. Poor Tim - he's been feeling bad for so long. Hoping for some answers. it's a shame you HAVE to be so aggressive to find answers :(
    I need to look up those clogs. I need some good comfy shoes myself.
    So glad your momma's x-rays were clear too!
    Funny - I dont think of Halloween with the dark spiritual undertones. I know I should ... but to me, its just full of fun of dressing up & candy :) haha ... I think we see what we look for - if that makes any sense :) But I am excited to be heading into the fun of the holidays. I honestly want to put my tree up this weekend - I know the hubs wont go for it - but I may try.

    1. The shoes come in styles other than clogs, too. I think you will like them. They are pricey, though.
      Oh, I like the dressing up and trick-or-treating but I hate all the horror movies and "haunted" places. I've just kind of been being convicted this year that a lot of what goes on makes us accept the darker things as sort of normal.
      You're going to put your tree up?? I might put mine up the weekend before Thanksgiving since I usually put it up on the weekend after and I have to work this year.

  4. What nerve-wracking puzzles - both Tim and your mom's situations! I suppose with modern medical technology I grow impatient when immediate answers aren't forthcoming.
    I'm going to Google those Merrell clogs, too. I've never tried wearing clogs (or any backless shoes) … on account I visualize myself walking right out of them.

    1. I know, right? With all the stuff they can figure out it's really annoying when they can't figure it out.
      Merrell has shoes other than clogs. Just look for the Q-form sole...that's the part I like. It corrects pronation and is made specifically for how women move.

  5. I am sorry they are having issues finding what is wrong with your mom and hubby (madface) today's technology they should find it. I love my clogs, will have to check out merrell, hope you have a blessed week

  6. I sure hope Tim and your mom get some answers for their health problems. It's terrible when you don't feel good and the doctors can't figure it out for you. Do please keep us posted. I've never felt that Halloween was dark. It's always just been a fun time for little kids in my mind. I loved clogs when I was working. Now I live in flip-flops and canvas shoes. I am so looking forward to this election season to be over. I'm tired of the hate and ignorance. Glad you have the weekend off, Stacy!! Enjoy it!


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