October 17, 2018

Wednesday Medley

1.  The Circleville, Ohio, Pumpkin Festival starts today.  All things pumpkin are everywhere. What is your one very favorite pumpkin flavored food or drink?  Do you wish it was available all year or do you only want it in the Fall?  I am that girl who loves ALL things pumpkin flavored, scented, or colored. I'm not sure I can choose just one favorite from among the tidal wave of products that appears every fall. I guess, though, that I can narrow it down to one group of foods...baked goods, such as pumpkin bread, pumpkin donuts, and pumpkin cookies. And yes, I would eat them all year round if I could...so maybe it's good that they aren't available all the time.

2.  What product would you seriously stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?  My Deva Curl Arc Angel hair gel. It's the best stuff for curly hair ever!

3.  What is the most interesting thing you have seen online this week?  I'm going to go with the beautiful new family photos our nephew's wife posted of their family. I haven't been spending much time online lately so my choices are limited.

4.  Is it better to be a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond"?  It depends on your individual personality, I think, because there are good points to both and pitfalls to both. Personally, I don't really like being "lost" in a big pond.

5.  My Joe has become obsessed with playing chess on the computer.  Do you play chess?  Are you good at it?  I've never learned how to play.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.  I had to work until 8:00 last night. There is only one activity person on duty after 5:00 so there is no help with whatever the evening activity is. Last night it was playing UNO with any residents who wanted to play. I ended up with 7 residents and the young grandson of one of the women. He was just as sweet and well behaved as a kid could be. The boy's mother helped out with coaching the residents on what to play and whose turn it was. I appreciated having them both in the game.

I am usually very patient with the residents no matter how they behave, but last night taught me two things....there's a limit to my patience and I hate playing UNO with the residents. And that can be blamed on two of the residents, one of whom is a minister of all things.

Both of them always want to play. One is a huge "fan" of the regular evening girl and always whines that she isn't there because she is just the only one who is any fun. She spends the whole evening asking me where she is and telling me how she would have done it. In the meantime, she doesn't pay attention to the game at all and has to be prompted on every turn. The other woman is absolutely "rabid" about the game. She starts hounding the minute dinner is over to start playing and she gets very upset when we have to end because I have things to do and have to clock out on time. She also sort of makes up the rules as she goes along and gets quite upset if she's called on it.

Anyway, these two were so rude to the little boy that I actually told them to "be nice" several times and it got to the point where the nurses and I talked and decided that if it happened again, the nurses would remove them. Thankfully, there weren't any more outbursts but they were just still very rude and the one spent a good 15 minutes yelling at me because we had to quit so I could wrap up and leave. My patience had pretty much left the building, but I think I managed to fake it till I got out the door.

I still love my job, don't get me wrong, and I'm not whining. I just needed to let off a little steam...and it's good to know where my limit is so maybe I can find a way to diffuse the ladies before they get going next time.


  1. My MoM was in a home, I understand what you're saying. Sometimes they can be very rude, I think they're just frustrated with everything and take it out on those around them.

    1. That's absolutely the biggest part of it, but there are a couple I'm sure must not have been all that nice before to be as nasty as they are now...and they don't have dementia.

  2. You have the patience of a saint!!! I do not think I would have handled that situation as well as you did.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! There are others who handle things far better than I do, but I'll learn.

  3. Yikes! Did you want to spank those 'ladies' for acting like spoiled children? I agree, you've the patience of a saint! Anytime you need to vent, girlfriend, that's what we're here for.

    1. I have to admit the one surely did make it cross my mind! Thanks for being a listening ear to let of some steam to.

  4. It is a hard job, Stacy, and you are a saint! I'm not comparing my experience to yours, but I was a weekend activities director at an adult day-care facility, working Saturdays and Sundays. I hung in there for six months (working full time Mon-Fri at another job). Not an easy job with everyone at a different level and with the many pronounced personalities. One woman wouldn't sit down. We had to give her peanut butter sandwiches for lunch so nothing would fall out on the floor. Her family knew and approved. Music usually helped. We played lots of records (vinyl back then). It is not an easy job. Hugs!

    1. PS... Thanks for joining in on the Medley!!

    2. You were spot on with what you did with your seniors. It is hard when everyone is at different levels...frustrating for them and for the caregivers. We are always playing music and feeding them snacks and trying whatever we can to calm them and keep them happy. We don't play many records, but I have my cell on me all the time and use it to pull up music.


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