October 16, 2018

Tuesday 10

Ten reasons my next pet should be a cat.

1. No self-inflicted guilt over not being home enough.

2. No poopies in the hallway.

3. Easier to find a cat-sitter...make sure there's food in the dish and scoop the litter every other day vs. needing companionship and potty time every few hours.

4. No going out in the rain, wind, snow, sleet, or middle of the night to potty.

5. Possibly less grumbling from my husband.

6. No yapping at everything that moves.

7. No worrying about the grandkids getting bitten...even if they do something to deserve it.

8. No toys buried in the bed, laundry basket, sofa cushions, or under the bed.

9. No trying to find time for grooming...or paying grooming bills.

10. I can't think of another reason....and who am I kidding. I like cats, but I'm a dog person. I get upset with the dogs now and then, but they add so much to life. I can't imagine not having one.


  1. I'm definitely a dog person. While cats may not bury toys they do occasionally bring 'pets' in from out of doors in varying stages of life : ) I'm allergic to cats so we've never had one.

  2. I'm a cat lady but I also like dogs. Cats are definitely easier but I did have three throw-ups to clean up this morning... there is that.

  3. #10? Bing! Bing! Bing! That's sooooo Tom and me. Like the writer SARK says, "Dog really is God spelled backwards."


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