September 23, 2018

Sunday Stealing: Deep Thinking

Sundays around the blog mean it's time for Sunday Stealing, though I am getting to it late today. It's our daughter and son-in-law's first anniversary so we have had the boy all day to give them some time alone. 

Today we are answering some thought provoking questions. The link has, unfortunately, been accidentally deleted so we are unable to give credit this week.

1 When was the last time you tried something new?  It's been about a month since I began my new job. Nearly every day requires me to try something new and quite possibly out of my comfort zone. I've even sung. Out loud. With people around. People who aren't deaf. That's definitely new for me.

2 Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?  These days it's hard not to compare myself to my coworkers since I'm new. I'm always comparing how I am with the residents compared to how the other LEP's relate to them...wondering if I'm doing well enough with them.

3 What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say?  Just the other day one of the residents told me I'm the most sensible people in the place. Ha! I don't know about that, but it was nice to hear. As for hearing something sensible, it was probably hearing someone decide not to get something they really, really wanted when there was a bill to be paid or a repair to be made.

4 What gets you excited about life?  Just the fact that it's a gift from God. We aren't guaranteed any days beyond today so we need to make the most of the days we get. Beyond that, my family and especially the grandkids make me look forward to each day.

5 What life lesson did you learn the hard way?  Not to live beyond our means on credit. A lesson many of us who came of age in the 80s learned the hard way.

6 What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?  Exercising and losing weight. It would have been easier back before my feet and ankles hurt so much.

7 Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?  It depends on the situation, I guess. Sometimes I ask a LOT of questions and other times I'm content to just let it slide.

8 Who do you love and what are you doing about it?  God, Jesus, my family, the residents at work. I'm trying to live in a way that shows them my love all the time.

9 What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?  That when people die they do not become ghosts or angels.

10 What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?  I can relax today. On this day one year ago, it was our daughter's wedding...relaxing was way out of the question!

11 Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?  I think they are just an expression of emotion, a way to release frustration, grief, anger, etc. God knew we needed that and created a way for us to get rid of such things and release chemicals in our brains that help us feel better.

12 What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?  Probably a lot of things, though I can't think of anything specific right at the moment. Both of my parents were very critical and judgy. It's only been in the last few years that I've begun to feel free of that weight.

13 Do you celebrate the things you do have?  Absolutely! Gratitude is the name of the game. I believe if we don't appreciate what we DO have, then no matter how much we are given we won't be satisfied. We'll always be on the search for the next thing.

14 What is the difference between living and existing?  Being grateful and filled with a deep joy that isn't affected by circumstances. It's being content and at peace in spite of what's going on around you. Being thankful and excited for each day. All of that is living. Existing is doing what you have to do to survive, plodding through each day, never feeling satisfied, fulfilled, or happy.

15 If not now, then when?  Whenever the time is right. And since I've no idea what we're talking about, I also have no idea when.

16 Have you done anything lately worth remembering?  Other than work, nah...not really.

17 What does your joy look like today?  The same as it does every day. My joy comes from the hope and assurance I have through Jesus that I am forgiven and that this life is not all there is and from knowing that God loves me no matter what.

18 Is it possible to lie without saying a word?  A "lie" of omission is still a lie when you know what you're allowing another person to think and it's not true.

19 If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend?  Probably not very long, but I am getting better at being kind to myself all the time.

20 Which activities make you lose track of time?  Anything on the laptop...Facebook, the blog, games...and reading.

21 If you had to teach something, what would you teach?  Reading or writing. I could probably pull off an easy cooking class, too.

22 What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?  My faith and my family. I could live without the rest.

23 Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?  Yeah, a lot of extra weight!

24 When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most?  Well, now that I'm working in a nursing home my answer has probably changed a bit. Without getting to into the reasoning, I believe the things that will matter most are having my health, having my mind, being loved, having something I enjoy to do, and feeling safe and secure. Insecurity is a HUGE thing with the elderly.

25 When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right?  All the time. If there's a right and a wrong, you should ALWAYS do what's right.

Wow, these were some tough questions! I think I have a bit of a headache coming on....but to be fair, some of the credit for that may go to our grandson. He's been pretty wild and wooly the last couple of hours. Tim finally took him outside to try and run off some steam. His parents are due home any minute now so it will be quiet again soon enough.

Thanks for the questions, Bev! Join in the fun today and every Sunday here


  1. Some of these were tough to answer but they are all good and I sure enjoyed your answers! Wishing you a good week ahead, Stacy.

  2. You are right, these were hard to answer. I love your answers, many of mine are similar. Have a nice week.

  3. Thank you for stopping by God bless you ma'am for working in the nursing home
    Yes these answers made me think alot Thank you for stopping by!


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