September 7, 2018

Oh, My Heart

Well, when today is over I will have made it through my second week at the new job. Am I still enjoying it? YES, I AM!!! I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but I absolutely love it...and that is because of the residents. They touch my heart so much. Every day there is something that brings tears to my eyes, but every day there is also something that brings joy.

Right now all but one or two of the residents are lower functioning on the dementia scale so activities are a challenge, but I'm learning to play off of their cues and often the way they lead ends up better anyway. Some like to laugh so we act silly with them. Some like to dance so we dance with them. Some like to hold your hand and be nurturing so we let them. We share hugs and smiles and tell them we love them. We don't try to force them to remember what they can't but join them in their world for a while.

It's sad to see what this disease has stolen from them, especially as I learn about who they were before. (They were top notch nurses, teachers, sculptors, bakers, business people, and more.) I don't know if it plays a role, but it seems a majority had high stress lives. Maybe a reminder to take time to relax and take it easy?

There are bright moments, too, when a patient who rarely says anything that makes sense responds correctly to something or they smile and tell their families they like you because you're nice.

Yesterday's highlight came from a male resident who sits alone all day every day because he likes it that way and tends to cuss and be a bit ugly to anyone who comes around. Last evening as I was gathering my things to leave his face lit up in a huge smile and he spoke kindly, took my hand and kissed the back, and thanked me profusely just for being there. Awwww...... I will hold on to that today (and every day) when he yells at me to "shut up" or flings some foul insult....that bit of the real man, the one that for a moment found his way through the holes in his mind to say "Hey, I'm still here. I'm still me."


  1. Oh gosh... that just makes me want to cry.
    What's scarier is that there's so many people suffering from this & they aren't surrounded by good hearted people willing to take care of them. That just kills me to think of people mistreating these people.
    God has you in this position for a reason. No doubt.

  2. Oh my, so wonderful. I watched my father die from that disease, but he was gone long before he died. Except, everyone once in a while he'd shine through, maybe a smile or a gleam in his eye is what I noticed most. I'm so thankful for people like you that are willing to be so kind and just be with them in the way they want or need. God bless you.

  3. God bless you and all who work with dementia patients. Bless you!! I have tears in my eyes, Stacy. What a great reward you got to see you home that day!

  4. That's frightening about the number of residents who previously lived high-stress lives. I'm so happy you've found this new job rewarding. God is in the details, indeed!


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