August 4, 2018

Saturday 9: Kate & Allie

Today I am linking up with the Sam at the Saturday 9. Click on over to find links to the other players or to join in the fun.

Saturday 9: Along Comes a Friend (Theme from Kate and Allie) (1984)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is the theme from Kate and Allie, a sitcom that ran from 1984 to 1989. Were you a fan?

You know, I was at the time, but since it's never been in reruns that I've seen, I really don't remember much about it.

2) The show was about two divorced women who live and raise their children together. Were you ever a single parent? Were you raised by a single parent?

No and no. My mom was technically a single parent for the first three years of my life, but my grandparents raised me during those years and when Mom settled into the role of being my mom she was also newly married.

3) Allie is proud that she can make a perfect cup of coffee: "Just the essence of the bean. No acidity." Kate is proud that she can belch the alphabet. What are you proud of?

My cooking skills. I don't cook often enough, but I can manage just about anything with better than average results when I do cook.

4) Kate and Allie share half of a duplex in Greenwich Village. Many episodes had them doing laundry in the basement. Where are your washer and dryer?

In our back hallway. They are literally the first thing you see when you come in the backdoor.

5) Kate was played by Susan St. James. She was familiar to viewers as the "wife" in McMillan and Wife. Without looking it up, do you know who played McMillan?

Nope. I know my parents watched it, but I guess it was past my bedtime because I don't know anything about it.

6) Allie was played by Jane Curtin. She was one of three women in the original Saturday Night Live cast. Without looking it up, can you name the other two?

I was a huge SNL fan from about age 13 on, so this one is easy. Gilda Radner and Laraine Newman. There have been a few bright talents since those days, but those original Not Ready for Prime Time Players were comic geniuses.

7) On the set, Jane Curtin ran a poker game for the cast and crew. Do you think winning at poker takes more luck or skill?

I learned to play penny ante poker with my parents and several of our neighbors who used to get together most Saturday evenings and play. A few years back we started playing cards with friends of ours and went through a phase of playing Texas Hold'em. I'd say it takes a bit of both to win consistently....or be like our friend, who was able to remember what cards were played, what wasn't and figure out what was in your hand. I always said I'd like to go to Vegas with him.

8) The Kate & Allie theme was cowritten and sung by John Lefler. Years later, Mr. Lefler wrote the theme for the Pokemon show. Is anyone in your life into Pokemon?

Maybe a kid or two on the bus, but I didn't see any of the cards or anything last year.

9) Random question: What's the last thing you whispered?

Our daughter and grandson came over late last night when the fireworks went off after the Steelers' night practice. We stood in the yard to watch the higher ones. They came inside for a while and I had to keep telling Colton "Shhhh...Pappy's sleeping." 


  1. Fireworks after the Steelers' practice? Wow. And I thought Bears fans took football seriously. ;)

    That first SNL cast was amazingly talented, wasn't it?

    1. The Bears' fans? Ha! This is Steeler country. If you cut us we bleed black and gold...and the Steelers have more fans world-wide than any other team. Remember the words of Charlie Daniels? "You just go and lay your hand on a Pittsburgh Steeler's fan and I think you're finally gonna understand." :)

  2. I saw enough of the SNL to laugh at Gilda and Bill Murray as Todd and Lisa and Gilda as Roseanne. I loved Steve Martin doing King Tut. I only watched that show when we visited my brother. Haha to your whisper. 😊

    1. Yes, those were great days of comedy. I just sold a DVD of Steve Martin doing King Tut at our garage sale.

  3. You are right about the reruns. Hmm. This would be a good show to rerun. I wonder why they don't? I don't remember much about it either, because it has been so long.

  4. I have always loved the Original SNLers. I wish Gilda was around today, her humor is sorely needed.

  5. I used to enjoy penny-ante poker and several other card games. 'Not sure what happened, but I'd be hard pressed even to remember Solitaire. Perhaps it's high time I challenged Tom to something in the evenings besides watching TV behind closed eyelids?

    1. Ha! I'd love to play cards, but the couple we played with got stuck with raising their grandkids the last few years thanks to heroine. On our own, Tim doesn't stay awake long enough to play in the evenings.

  6. Finally, someone who remembers the original SNL comics!! Those were the best ever! Fun questions today, even though I never watched Kate & Alley.

    1. I still remember so many of their classic skits. This was a fun one.

  7. trying again... sorry! I figured out, early on, that I'm a crappy poker player, so managed to stay well away from my husband's family's obsession with it. I'm "Death" at cribbage but just cannot play poker. I'm starting soon to watch SNL if I can find the vintage ones. I like the ones that Alec Baldwin is in that come up from time to time on YouTube.

    1. I don't know how to play cribbage or bridge. I'm limited to poker, gin, crazy 8's and go fish! Alec can be very funny. I'm sure some of the vintage skits must be on YouTube.

  8. I am one of those people who gets excited about the preseason too. Hopefully, my team won't suck so bad this year.... :)


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