August 5, 2018

Happy, Happy, Happy!

August Happiness Challenge: Day 4

I went to pick blueberries at my stepdad's place up on the ridge and that would have been my happy (what is not to love about sweet, sun-kissed blueberries straight off the bush?) but when I got home I found Tim, my workaholic husband, already home. And it wasn't even 1:00 in the afternoon. That was definitely my happy for the day.

August Happiness Challenge: Day 5

All of the floor tile is down in the bathroom!!! If you've been around a while, you know this is HUGE. If you haven't, let me say that we're coming up on the 2nd anniversary of the day Tim ripped out the main bathroom in our house to do a remodel and then he just either didn't feel good or his knee hurt (he had surgery on it in June) and anyone that needed to use the bathroom had to tromp through our bedroom and use ours. It has kind of gotten to be a bit of a sore spot. (Oh, who am I kidding? It's become an open, festering, puss-filled, war-inducing wound!) So, floor tile down....yeah, I am dancing in celebration!

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  1. Yeay! I can't wait to see pictures of the finished product!

  2. Dont feel bad - we laid a new floor in our living room 12 years ago & the edging STILL isn't up ... I feel your 'unfinished project' pain :)


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