August 6, 2018


I am...

Reading:  Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People by Elizabeth B. Brown. I'm only a couple of pages in, but interesting title, no?

Listening to:  the hum of the air conditioner. It's might hot today.

Loving: a quiet afternoon to myself.

Thinking: about how I will feel if I don't get the job I interviewed for last week.

Feeling: kind of sleepy.

Celebrating: our older grandson's birthday was yesterday and our son and his wife will celebrate their 10th anniversary on Wednesday.

Grateful for:  a lunch out with the women from my Bible study group today. Three hour lunch....we had a lot to talk about!

Weather: sunny, humid, and around 90 degrees.

Enjoying: a cold glass of peach iced tea.

A quote I want to share"The swamp bottom is often the beginning of renewal."  

That's from Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People. Makes me think of Trump's promise to drain the swamp. I wonder if he read the book? Anyway, makes the whole swamp thing sound more hopeful. 


  1. Nice that you have a quiet afternoon to yourself! Score!!

  2. That book title is a hoot! Fingers crossed for good news on the job front!

  3. I had a quiet Sunday afternoon, at home alone! I enjoyed myself by watching a great movie. I love long lunches with my Bible Study group too, we are GLOW, God Loves Older Women!

  4. 3 hour lunch seems about right when you're with girlfriends :)


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