July 26, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Good morning, lovelies! I'm linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand to show some thankfulness on this wet, foggy morning.

This week I am thankful...

* my daughter got a job! She is in the process of getting her background clearances and required shots to begin a full-time job in the housekeeping department of a local personal care home. She thinks it will be about 2 weeks until she starts.

* I'm also thankful the staff was understanding. Part of the process was a drug test. My daughter does not do drugs and never has, but she failed her drug test yesterday! It turns out that the prescription drug Adipex-P, which is for weight loss shows up as a drug because part of it's makeup is a stimulant. It is sold as a controlled substance. So glad she was able to explain and she had the written prescription in her vehicle so she was able to bring that in to show them. The head nurse looked it up and decided it was okay. They copied the prescription and put it in her file.

* for my husband's continued healing in spite of himself. He has had no more contact with the doctor who did his knee surgery and hasn't done any physical therapy. His thinking has been that since he missed the first therapy session and then they played phone tag for a couple of weeks, he wasn't going to do anything until he saw the doctor again. That is supposed to be today, but a very big problem came up at work yesterday, right at the end of the day. He's got his boss and who knows who else coming to the job site this morning. I'm guessing that will mean he doesn't make it to his appointment at 11:00.

* for the news that our son and his wife have decided that when he's old enough they will send their son to the same charter school their daughter goes to. The teachers are specially trained to deal with certain issues. For our granddaughter it was dyslexia. She has shown so much growth and improvement since starting there.

Our daughter-in-law was pretty much against sending the kids to school (she was homeschooling) and she did have a rough time adjusting to her daughter being away all day, but it seems she has come around. We are so glad to hear it. Our grandson has a lot of anxiety issues and measures on the autism scale (he sort of reminds of Sheldon Cooper of The Big Bang Theory) so a regular classroom might overwhelm him. The school has teachers trained to deal with his issues, too. I pray it will be as good for him as it's been for his sister.

* for all of you!

Have a beautiful and blessed day!


  1. Who knew about that drug! That's horrible to try & defend yourself when people think the worst when they see a positive drug result & you have to explain what's happening. So thankful with you it was all straightened out & she got the job! That's awesome!!!
    Yep - teachers in special teaching facilities - they make the world of difference for children with various issues. Our grandson had a tutor over a summer that changed all his learning around for him. So amazing.

    1. It's especially tough around here because this area is one of the worst in the country in heroin addiction and overdoses.

  2. Wonderful things to be thankful for!! Getting men to the doctor isn't easy and getting them to do what they are supposed to do is the second hurdle. I know of what you speak!

  3. What an (almost) heart-stopping moment for your daughter! Blessed that the head nurse listened with an open heart!

    I've no first-hand experience with home schooling, but your DIL's decision to ultimately do what's right for her children had to have come at a price. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around not being able to provide my own child with the help he/she needs.

    1. I'm sure it did. She struggles with anxiety herself and has been getting treated for it recently so that has probably helped a great deal.


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