July 27, 2018

Saturday 9: Who Can Turn the World on with Her Smile

I'm answering the Saturday 9 questions way ahead of time this week (Friday afternoon), because my daughter talked me into having a garage sale and I'll hanging out at that for most of the day again tomorrow.  

Saturday 9: Love Is All Around (1970)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a sitcom that originally aired from 1970 to 1977. Were you a fan?

I remember watching it and liking it, but I don't know that I was a fan. I was probably too young to understand most of it since I was only 12 when it went off the air.

2) The song tells us that Mary Richards can turn the world on with her smile. Yet the real-life Mary Tyler Moore said she was uncomfortable with her "wide mouth." If you could improve on one of your facial features, which would you choose? 

My eyes. I've always had "heavy" eyelids, but as I've aged they've really lost any pretense of being there so there's no reason for eye shadow. None at all. If I win the lottery I'm getting them lifted.

3) We also hear that Mary can "take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile." What do you think makes a day "a nothing day?"

My mood. I believe in the old saying that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be and short of really horrific circumstances (death, diagnosis of terminal illness, missing loved one, etc.) I believe I can choose to be happy, content, at peace, fulfilled...

4) Mary works in the newsroom at WJM. Her desk is neat as a pin. Are you neat? Or do you lean to the sloppy side?

I don't know that I'm sloppy. I always kind of take sloppy to include dirty and I'm not dirty. Can we call it messy instead? I'm more cluttered.

5) Mary's best friend, Rhoda, worked as a window dresser at Hempel's department store. What department store did you most recently shop at? What did you buy?

Does Walmart count?  Because other than that I can't remember the last time I was in a department store. Maybe last year before Christmas? What I might have bought is a mystery.

6) Mary Richards lived in Minneapolis. What city is nearest to where you are right now?

Technically, the little town I live in is a city.  They reincorporated it into one a few years ago...not sure why they felt the need to go from a borough to a city.  It's a city only in the city council's dreams. So, the nearest real city is Pittsburgh.

7) Originally the part of Mary Richards was written as a divorcee, but in 1970, there were no TV shows that centered around a divorced woman. Think about the women in your life. Are most of them married, divorced, single or widowed?

Most of them are married, a few are widowed, there's one single woman, and my aunts are holding up the divorced category by themselves (they've gone through a lot of husbands)

8) The MTM production company logo featured a mewing kitten. The cat was found in a Minneapolis shelter, and, after her sequence was shot, she was adopted by a crew member who named her Mimsie. What's the name of the last cat -- or dog or hamster or rabbit -- that you petted?  

It would have to be my Poodle, Daisy, when I came home from the garage sale. The award for who I petted the most today goes to my grandpuppy, Hank.

Daisy being needy and annoying
when my daughter still lived at home.

Grandpuppy Hank. Isn't he handsome?

9) Random question -- Would you rather have a job that kept you seated on your fanny or standing on your feet?

Back in the day I would have said on my feet, but I have so much trouble with my feet and ankles that it really isn't a choice because I can't do it.


  1. Hank is adorable, but so is Daisy!! We answered #2 the same (yes, I would get mine lifted too if I could afford it) and also #5 except my answer was Target! LOL This one was fun. You can catch mine tomorrow, after your garage sale. Good luck!!

  2. I never thought of Target as a department store, but it's a store and there are various departments, so I guess it is. I think multi-stories when I think "department store."

  3. Hank and Daisy do look imminently petable.

    I think Target is the very embodiment of a department store.

    Hope the weather is good for your sale.

  4. I guess the eyes have it today! Haha! Your answer about your mood is wise. Love both the dogs. We had a grandpup named Hank. He was such a good dog for the kids.

  5. Hank's eyes are beautiful! But I'd like to cuddle Miss Daisy, if I may?
    'Always thought I wanted/needed a nose job, but I'd settle (ha!) if someone offered to pay for an eye lift.

  6. Clutter vs sloppy is very interesting! I am cluttered but not dirty. :)

    Hank is precious!

  7. I'm cluttered and organized. As long as no one else moves something, I know pretty much were everything is. Happily, my mother taught me to be clean.
    Hank is very cute, and I think Daisy is adorable! I like fuzzy doggies.

    I'm not sure how Boroughs work but I'm well acquainted with City councils, which are generally made up of businessmen.
    Being on the council gives them a lot more say and sway about all sorts of things. The Mafia certainly found this out. To be brutally honest, nothing has changed in centuries. Gosh, am I cheery today or what?

  8. This is a PS. The type of work you do makes it mandatory that you can see well. A friend of mine had his eye lids trimmed -they were overhanging like a ledge almost! - because his were interfering with his eye sight. E.g., He'd hit his head a lot on overhead things because he couldn't see properly. Maybe it could be done and covered by insurance if it involves your job.

  9. uuugggghhhh...those ears...gotta touch those ears..... The poodle is a cutie too btw. Once again... I agree with you Stacy. You are so right about people making their minds up about whether or not to be happy.

  10. Hank is very cute! Very wise answers today, Miss Stacy. The wisdom is oozing out of you.


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