July 29, 2018

Sunday Stealing: The One That Begins in the Middle

Today is the Sunday Stealing in which we begin in the middle for some odd reason. I'm linking up with Bev and the other thieves to answer some questions that were stolen from Kwizgiver. And that explains the picture of George Clooney...the future Mr. Kwizgiver.

(Pretend there were 29 questions you already answered!) 

30. What color is your watch?  Silver with a brown canvas strap. It's actually a men's Timex because it has an analog face, is big enough to see, doesn't have Roman numerals, and Indiglo backlighting so I can see the time early in the mornings when I'm driving the bus.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?  The three-week long trip we were able to send our daughter on the summer before her senior year of high school. She went with the People to People program as a student ambassador.

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?  Many.

33. Birthstone?  Peridot. I'm an August-born Leo.

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
  Most of the time I just hit the drive-thru. We'd rather eat at home and relax than deal with the crowd.

35. Do you have any friends on facebook that you actually hate?  No. Hate is such a wasted emotion. I have only hated a few people in my life and I'm certainly not friends on Facebook with them.

36. Do you have a dog?  Yes, just one at the moment. Daisy is a toy poodle and complete diva.

37. Last person you talked to on the phone?  I think it was my husband earlier today.

38. Have you met anyone famous?  Lots of people, but I'll put Toby Keith and Bill Clinton at the top of the list.

39. Any plans today?  Not really. Sundays are usually the only day my husband doesn't work so we tend to watch a little TV and work on things around the house.

40.  Where are you right now?   In a recliner. In my living room. In Latrobe. In Pennsylvania

41. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?  My taking-forever-to-heal ankle. (Not that my inability to stay off of it has anything to do with it.)

42. Last song listened to?  I watched The Lorax with my grandson yesterday so I guess one of the songs in it.

43. Last movie you saw?  That would, again, be The Lorax.

44. Are you allergic to anything?  Pollen, mold, and dust can do a number on my sinuses and at times it sure feels and looks and acts like allergies, but the allergist I saw last year tested me for 50 common allergens and said I don't have allergies. Go figure. I might also be allergic to bee stings. I had a serious reaction once as a kid...or I had a serious reaction to the "old folk remedy" the old ladies at the family reunion tried on me....a cotton ball soaked in full-strength ammonia held to the sting, which was right under my eye.

45. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?  It varies by season, but right now it's a pair of Sketcher's Go-Walk sandals. They're slides and the material is a cute mix of denim and a blue/green tropical print. They are really comfy and cute.

46. What time is it?  6:32 am.  I could be sleeping, but the body and the brain didn't cooperate. I've been up since 5:00.

47. Do any of your friends have children?  Nearly all of them, but most of us are on to the grandparent phase at this point. One or two still have elementary age children, but in one case the little one is the tail-end of a huge family of kids, and in the other case the youngest one came along quite a while after the others in a misguided attempt to revive/save a marriage.

48. Do you eat healthy?  I try to.  It's just all the other stuff I eat around the healthy food.  Plus, other than dinner I'm usually just fixing something for me so it's easier to just grab something quick. Plus, I have to admit that a lot of the stuff my friends are eating in the name of being healthy these days simply tastes absolutely awful to me.

49. What do you usually do during the day?  During the school year I work, but have a break during the day in which I try to get my household chores done. During summer break I do the chores, garden, read, journal, watch movies, go shopping or have lunch with friends, and this year I've been doing a lot of babysitting my grandson.

50. Do you hate anyone right now?  Nah, it's such a waste of time and energy to hate and it rarely ever affects the person you hate, but it tends to turn you into a resentful, bitter shrew. Better to make like Ilsa and "let it go."

Well, I survived the garage sale and while we didn't exactly get rich from it, we did make a nice little sum and more importantly we sold a LOT of stuff.  Our crap has become someone else's crap and there isn't much left over to deal with. I'm only bringing a couple of things back home and the rest we're loading up and donating to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul.  That's all that's on the agenda today so far.  I'm looking forward to a nice quiet, restful day.

Have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week!


  1. I think it's so cool that you met Bill! I worked on both of his Presidential campaigns and worked rallies, but never got close. Good for you!

    Supporting Goodwill is so important, especially this year. The Bon Ton chain (Carson's, Younker's, Bergnor's and Bon Ton) used to have special Goodwill Days twice a year. Since they are going out of business, Goodwill will just naturally see a dip in donations. So brava to you!

    1. I've pretty much always been a Republican, but the first time Bill ran I loved what he was saying and what his vision was. Unfortunately, he lost me by the time the second term came along and I returned to my conservative roots.

      As for Goodwill (or any of the others) I'd have just as soon given everything straight to them. That's what I usually do (at least a couple of times per year), but my daughter wanted to have a garage sale so I got roped into that. Sad about Bon Ton. We have one here...word is it's being replaced in our mall with a casino of all things.

  2. I completely agree with you on the hatred thing. Well, not just that, but especially that. Hope you have gotten that quiet restful day.

    1. Good to know. It seems that in spite of the differences among us thieves, we still have a lot of common ground. :)
      It has been a fairly quiet day and miracle of miracles...my hubby put down some tile on the bathroom floor! (In October it will be 2 years since he tore the old bathroom out!)

  3. Some of the new allergy testing leaves a lot to be desired. I was tested one year and tested positive for everything except some type of Asian grass. Two years later a different person tested me and according to them I have "environmental sensitivities" and not allergies. Never mind that two days after all the little pinpricks I had bumps all over the me the size of dimes; by then they couldn't tell me what I was reacting too. I think it really does depend on who is doing the testing.

    1. Yeah, my doctor said something along those lines when they said I wasn't allergic to anything. He said "There are more than 50 things in the world to be allergic to" and something about allergists not knowing everything.

  4. I am relieved to heat that I'm not the only one who wakes up at 4:48AM on Sunday ... and just about every other day too!

    1. If it makes you feel any better, during the school year I get up at 3:45 every morning.

  5. Me too on the early waking. I was awake at 4 this morning, but managed to get back to sleep after an hour or so.

    1. I rarely fall back to sleep and that's probably a good thing because on those rare times I do I seem to wake up the second time feeling all achy with a headache, to boot.

  6. Yep... we did answer several of these basically the same. Happy Sunday!

    1. Maybe it's you being from Ohio. We probably grew up with very similar values and experiences.

  7. So glad not to be the only one still wearing a watch. it seems like sop many have ditched them. I am so old school like that.
    Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


    1. I only wear mine for work since the nature of the job requires me to keep a strict schedule. My dad bought me my first grown up watch when I started jr.high in 1976 and up until a couple of years ago I never went a day without one. I still don't think to check my phone until after I've checked my wrist and realize I'm not wearing a watch.

  8. Your daughter looks absolutely radiant in that picture! So glad the garage sale was a success. (I'll never, ever do another one.)
    So envious of your having met Toby!

    1. … and one of these days I'm going to learn how to begin a sentence without the word "so." LOL.

    2. LOL I am guilty of over using "so" and "just." I promise not to judge. Don't be envious...the minute he turned around and smiled at me, my ability to speak coherently left the building. I consider myself lucky not to have drooled on myself. Not my best moment.

  9. Congratulations on the success of the sale! :)


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