July 30, 2018


I am...

Rock with Wings by Anne Hillerman.  She isn't the same as her father, but I'm glad she's kept the characters from his Navajo mysteries alive. I'm not ready to say goodbye to them.

Listening to:  catching up on America's Got Talent (I'm a few weeks behind).

Loving: that it's a rainy day.

Thinking: about what to make to take to a get-together tomorrow night celebrating the 49th anniversary of friends.

Feeling: motivated

Celebrating: the end of the great garage sale of 2018.  I survived. I made a few bucks. Most important, I got rid of a bunch of stuff.

Grateful for:  the toilet flushing.  It clogged first thing this morning and no amount of plunging got the water flowing. I was not happy, thinking about having to call a plumber.  Something told me to wait a bit then try again. Thank you, Lord, the clog broke up and things are working fine.

Weather: rain and in the 70s.

Enjoying: a Diet Coke (it is to me what your first cup of coffee is to you)

A quote I want to share:  This is my gauge whenever I feel like I want to get angry or upset or dwell on something or want to take action or shoot my mouth off or hang on to indignation.  If it won't matter next year or even next week, it's not worth investing myself in.


  1. Best quote ever! I feel like it is perfect for the times we are in now! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!

    1. It really is a good thought for the times we live in. Wishing you a great week, too!

  2. I agree with you on the Diet Coke!!! I love that quote, so very true. I spend way too much time worrying over things that really do not matter in the big scheme of things.

    Have a great day!!

    1. There are a lot more of us who drink Coke first thing than people realize. I can be a big worrier but asking that helps me remember to either let it go or pray and put it in God's hands.

  3. I love America's Got talent! I love Simon has seemed to lighten up since he's had his son

    1. He is a lot mellower, but I've always liked him best...even back on American Idol. He's not always all fuzzy feel-good, but he does give constructive criticism to try and help the people improve.

  4. Another nod to AGT! Have you any hunches on the outcome?
    That quote is a wise philosophy, indeed. Something my son used now and then to talk me 'off the ledge.' He's so laid-back it's a wonder we're related!

  5. My sister had flooding where she is in PA. I couldn't get over it.

  6. I like that quote too. I enjoyed your "currently" answers!! Wishing you a good week ahead!


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