August 1, 2018

Black & White Memories

Today I'm joining in with Teri from Your Friend From Florida for her new blog hop, Black & White Memories. The idea is to share old black and white family photographs and the memories that go with them. I've only got one readily available today, but maybe I will find some more by next week.

I was very close to my mother's parents, known to me as Pappy and Nana, while I was growing up. My mom was a college student and not married when I was born. That was still a big deal, and not in a good way, in small town America in 1964.

Pappy & Nana on their wedding day.

From things my mom has mentioned, it was not a happy time for her and Pappy and Nana, perhaps, didn't handle the pregnancy well and kept Mom a virtual prisoner. She was not allowed to leave the house except to go to medical appointments.

Everything turned around after my birth. Pappy and Nana kept me and raised me for the first three years of my life so my mom could return to school and get her degree.

They may have made a lot of mistakes as parents, but they were the most wonderful grandparents a child could ever ask for.

Rather than rewrite things I've written before, I'm leaving you with links to previous posts on old blogs where you can read about Pappy and Nana if you choose to.

  • Read here about the lovely way Nana began her days.
  • And here is a tribute to them written for a writing challenge.


  1. I love the pictures from that time. My grandparents picture is so similar.
    I love that wedding dresses were so different. The styles of the time.

    1. My grandparents went to a justice of the peace...something that always bothered my grandmother a little bit...but yeah, even for that they seem so glamorous compared to now.

  2. What unselfish acts on the part of your Nana and Pappy! I love the expression on your grandfather's face in this picture … quietly assured, so proud of his bride!

    1. To me, yes. It took a while to repair things with my mom...and maybe they never did completely since Mom still has a lot of resentment over it. Pap was a handsome man and I'm betting a bit of a ladies man before he got married.

  3. So glad to read everything turned around after you were born. Babies have a way of doing that! I know it must have been hard on all of them in so many ways, but I think they all did a good job with you and you still have all your family close to you.

    1. Aw, thank you. I think Nana did better with me, or at least different, than she did with my mom and her sisters.

  4. Thank you for linking up today! I enjoyed reading about your grandparents and seeing their wedding photo. I really do love the hair styles and clothing of those earlier years.

    1. Everyone seems so stylish in pictures from those days, don't they?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. They were so beautiful! Yes, I'm sure it was a hard thing for them to face, but I'm so glad they loved you and cared for you. We too helped to raise one of our grandchildren. She's 17 now and still very, very dear to my heart.

    1. It's a very special bond. My daughter lives right next door to us. She isn't a bad mom or an absent one, but because they are so close I'm developing a very special relationship with her son. That little guy holds my heart.

  7. That is a really beautiful photo!! I had amazing grandparents too. Such a blessing to have wonderful grandparents who were so involved in our lives.



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