July 16, 2018

Happy Monday!

Good morning! The sun is shining and it's a little cooler today, but the humidity...it was at 96% at 6:00 this morning! You can practically wring the water out of the air. I am not a fan of humidity. Not at all.

Thunderstorms may bring us some relief by as early as noon, but it sounds like it's going to be kind of a hit and miss sort of thing. It might be a good thing if it misses us as we had a doozy of a storm late yesterday afternoon that dropped 2 inches of rain on us in about half an hour! I'm hoping there's a dry window in there somewhere if we do get storms because I've arranged to go to a local farm this afternoon to pick up some fresh picked green beans I just ordered on Facebook. Looking forward to sauteing them with a little oil and garlic. Yum!

The weekend was fairly quiet around here, though there was a bit of "excitement" Saturday morning...

The sewer line the kids had just paid a plumber to unclog on Wednesday, clogged again first thing Saturday. Megan called Tim and he left work to come home and fix the problem once and for all. He cut out a section of the old existing cast iron pipe and put in new pvc pipe and a clean out trap so the toilet won't have to be lifted to get at any clog from now on. He also brought home some thing that you put down the pipe and it inflates to push the clog through.

In doing all of that, Tim found that there was still a big clog in the pipe. The plumber the kids hired didn't clear it up at all, just moved it enough to buy them a few days.  We are livid on their behalf and are encouraging them to call and complain and file a complaint with the BBB.

The kids were given a 4-hour window of when the guy would show up and he was well past that. He spent maybe 10 minutes with a snake/auger in the drain. At that point, he said he couldn't get it and needed to add another section to the line. Just a couple of seconds after that he announced that he "got it" and rolled up his line and left. He never flushed the line to be sure (which I'm told should be standard practice) and he didn't even put the toilet back. So, for 10-15 minutes of work and a problem that wasn't even fixed he charged the kids nearly $400! He didn't even have to lift the toilet in the first place. The kids had already done that trying to unclog it themselves.

I'm thinking a company with such business practices should take all the stuff about being Christians off their vans, because their giving Christians a black eye. That's the first thing our son-in-law mentioned..."They're supposed to be Christians." Nice.

Anyway, Tim got that done and had time to take a good long nap Saturday afternoon so we decided to go out to dinner at a local sports bar and restaurant. They have good food, a great view (it's on the 2nd floor), and the women in the Beth Moore Bible study blessed me with a gift card as a thank you for leading it. We had a yummy dinner and I still have enough on the card to have lunch with the ladies someday (it's our usual meeting place for lunch).

Yesterday we did the grocery shopping and not much else. Tim did his usual Sunday catch-up-on-sleep thing while I watched several movies and ran back and forth between our house and the kids' house to let their puppy out while they were away. I'd have brought him over here, but my Poodle does not like him at all. I'm hoping that will change as he grows up and out of the jumping on her and chewing on her phase.

Dinner was my homemade meatloaf, though it was a little later than planned. The storm caused the power to blink off a couple of times and I never thought about it shutting the oven off. Whoops! Meatloaf is a favorite in this house, but only mine. Even people who swear they hate meatloaf end up liking it. My big secret? I use the original recipe from older (like 1970's or earlier) Betty Crocker cookbooks. It's great comfort food!

And that was our weekend. Like I said, quiet. Now I'm off to get some things done around here before Megan and Colton show up on my doorstep as they do most days.

Happy Monday and have a blessed week!


  1. Isn't it nice to be able to look forward to a visit from Megan and Colton each day? You are all so blessed to be neighbors! Joe likes my meatloaf and no one else's. Perhaps we make ours pretty much the same way. I love my old 1970s Betty Crocker cookbook! Happy Monday!

    1. It could be that we make it the same. My grandmother gave me a copy of the cookbook when I turned 13. It was a paperback. I had her old hardback copy but gave it to Megan and now have a new one.

  2. That's so aggravating. I wonder if you can call the owner of the plumbing place. Especially if its a Christian based company, you need to let him know he's getting a bad rep - if its the guy who worked on it (worked in loose terms) then I'd totally start leaving bad references. That's messed up.

    1. Megan called the office again today and was told all they could do was turn it over to a manager to have him evaluate it and see if a mistake was made. They'll get back to her.

  3. WOW! How awful! I definitely think they did the right thing calling and complaining - they should get their money back! Good luck!


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