May 28, 2018


I am...

ReadingBeach House for Rent by Mary Alice Monroe

Listening to: the button on my husband's jeans clonk around in the dryer....and a fan.

Loving: that we got the deck cleaned off and resurfaced, the railing stained, and the furniture out this weekend.

Thinking: that I am going to "die" on the bus tomorrow afternoon....90 degrees and extremely humid (will make it feel like at least 100 on the bus).

Feeling: a little irked, but sad, too. My mom and stepdad's ill-behaved dog managed to get out of the house this afternoon and they freaked and were really mean and nasty to our daughter and son-in-law. I know they are getting older and there are reasons, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant. Sigh.

Celebrating: The end of the school year! I will be done for the summer at slightly past noon on Thursday.

Grateful for: my husband who knows how to fix, build, and do just about anything I'd ever need done around the house or car. I don't know how I will manage when the day comes that he can't do it any more. I've have never, ever had to hire a handyman.

Weather:  for most of the day it was about 88 degrees, sunny, and humid. It's still pretty warm and humid even though it's dusk.

Enjoying: a quiet evening watching television with my husband.

A quote I want to share:  

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein


  1. That is a great quote! I'll be counting the days with you, Stacy. Thursday is only two days away now.

    1. Thanks for counting with me! I really enjoyed this weekend and kept thinking about how much I didn't want to go back to work on Tuesday.

  2. Glad the end is definitely in sight for you. I've heard that quote before and like it. You are blessed to have someone who can do all that for you. Hubby and I are neither one handy, but we've always been able to call my dad or one of my brothers. Now there is only one brother left and he'd help in an emergency, but is way way to busy to help otherwise. I'm going to have to break down and call a handyman to get these tasks finished.


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