May 26, 2018

Sunday Stealing: See the Stars Ablaze

Linking up with Bev and the rest of the thieves for Sunday Stealing.

This is from See the Stars Ablaze --a site you might prefer not to check out, but I liked the questions.

1 - Do you ever wish you were someone else?  Sometimes I wish for different circumstances, but I can't say I ever wish to be someone else.

2 - How old are you?  According to the calendar and my birth certificate...53.

3 - Age you get mistaken for:  Usually something in my 40s.

4 - Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: I'm a Leo and I suppose it sort of sounds like me, but then they're kind of generic so they fit a lot of people. I don't mess with anything that "predicts" the future. I don't believe we are meant to know.

5 - What did you do on your last birthday?  I have no idea so obviously it wasn't anything all that memorable. I'm guessing we probably went out for dinner.

6 - What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?  Hmm...that's about 2.5 months from now...find a new job so I don't have to go back to driving the bus in the fall. Or lose another 10 pounds.

7 - What is your hair color?  Dark brown. (Thank you Miss Clairol)

8 - Have you ever dyed your hair?  Ha! See #7. I've been dying it for about 20 years. In the beginning it was just to change color. Now I do it to cover the gray.

9 - What is your eye color?  Brown

10 - If you could change your eye color, would you?  Sure, why not?

11 - Do you wear contacts/glasses?  Glasses. They are the first thing I reach for in the morning and the last thing I take off at night.  I used to wear contacts, but as I've gotten older and with an astigmatism and needing bifocals...they just aren't comfortable these days.

12 - Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:  I'm not super self-conscious, but I really need to lose weight and exercise more.

13 - Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body?  I've not considered it seriously, but if I did, I'd get my ears done. I hate my ears.

14 - Do you have any tattoos?  Just one on my ankle of a cute little fishy with seaweed and shells.

15 - Do you have any piercings?  Three in my left ear and one in my right ear.

16 - Left or right handed?  Right.

17 - Do you drink?  Not a lot, just a drink here and there and usually nothing stronger than wine.

18 - Do you smoke?  Absolutely not!

19 - Do you have any pets?  Only my toy Poodle, Daisy.

20 - Do you have any “rules” about food?  Not that I can think of.


  1. #15 surprises me. I would have pegged you as a symmetrically pierced girl.

  2. #15--I have three in my right ear and one in my left! :) And yes--definitely an 80's thing!

  3. These questions were interesting and fun. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they would change their ears with plastic surgery.

  4. My grandfather allegedly fell in love with my ears when I was born. According to my mother, the first thing he said when he saw me was, "what cute little ears!"

  5. The 80's was it? I have six holes (extra ones, that is) in my head. I liked the look.
    Your tatoo sounds very cute, sort of like the ones Kwizgiver has.


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